From The Mana World
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(Optional System)

Tired of MMORPGs where everyone is the same, and the only goals are to get money, power, and to explore? The story generation system is designed to create a unique player character story which will give each player an individualized game experience.


  • I. Main Idea
    • A. Give players a personalized game experience by generating a unique story for each player.
    • B. The story should be tailored to suit his level and specialties.
    • C. Completing the story should help the character to become stronger, by playing toward his specialties in a way that generic quests do not.
  • II. Design
    • A. The system must be optional, and players must register for it during gameplay.
    • B. The story works as a series of quests with a recurring theme and NPCs.
    • C. The story involves the players in pushing their own limits and in questing with other PCs with similar goals.
  • III. Quests
    • A. A storyline quest has the same elements as a generic quest, though it is only unlocked when correct, prior storyline quests are completed.
    • B. Storyline quests overlap, even if their motives are the different (so PCs will have a reason to accompany one another into dungeons and to fight bosses.)
    • C. The places a player is sent to on the storyline quest are tailored to his level and specialties.
    • D. The same NPCs recur in the story, and the player gets to know them better than by only completing generic quests.
  • IV. Implementing

(To be continued)