From The Mana World
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Gryphonne Stravag is the lead sage of the Temple of Space.

Art by Pajarico

  • Full name: Immanuel Gryphonne Absalom Stravag
  • Age: 634 years
  • Height: 5' 2" (1,55 m)
  • Weight: 88 lbs (40 kg)
  • Birthdate: unknown
  • Eye color: white-within-white
  • Hair color: none
  • Blood type: 0±...
  • Favorite food: cinnamon
  • Hobbies: mathematics, astronomy, physics

Gryphonne is an eerie entity to behold; milky pale, white-within-white eyes stare out from an angular and bald head. But appearances can deceive, and Gryphonne is in no way evil or otherworldly. In fact, he is a very kind soul who aids wandering travellers and those who have lost their way. He's quite small to his stature, but he's very agile and fast.

As sage of the temple of space, Gryphonne is gifted with powers by Teless, the spirit of space magic. Gryphonne is talented in the areas of mathematics, physics and astronomy, and can calculate very intricate formulae adhering to the areas of space and spatial sense. Many cartographers and arcitechts actually come to him for advice concerning difficult parts of their work.

Gryphonne is quite a sombre person, but cannot be attributed with any negative sides, aside from being slightly absent-minded. He tends to wander aimlessly sometimes, but those who think they know him better say it's merely a facade, that he always knows exactly where he's going... even in a deeper sense of things. Gryphonne is said by some to be the most purposeful being in existence...