Weapon Skills
(we're discussing the expansion of this section in the forum. Look for the skills thread in Suggestions)
- Short Blades - Short Swords, knives
- Long Blades - Scimitars, Bastard Swords, Greatswords
- Hammers - axes, greataxes, maces, and warhammers
- Archery - bows, slings, guns?
- Whip - Whips, chained weapons
- Staves - Scythes, canes, etc.
- Throwing - Javelin, boomerang, throwing knives
- Piercing - Spears, glaives, and rapiers
- Hand to Hand / Glove - Martial arts fighting
Magic Skills
- Fire Magic (Epyri)
- Water Magic (Merene)
- Earth Magic (Geon)
- Air Magic (Izurial)
- Light Magic (Lumine)
- Dark Magic (Tenebrae)
- Time Magic (Chronos)
- Space Magic (Teless)
- Mana Magic (Gen)
Craft Skills
- Metalworking - Make things from metal
- Woodworking - Make things from wood
- Jeweler - Make accessories and other items with gold/gems
- Alchemist - Make items that have spell charges
- Cook - Make items with recovery or enhancing effects
- Tailor - Make cloth weapons, armor, and accessories from animal parts
- Artisan - (possibly if there are collectible or asthetic items or accessories in game, they need to be made too)
- Synthesis - Upgrading weapons and armor with mana orbs (see EquipmentSystem)
General Skills
- Running - Allows players to sprint for longer (only if we use SoM style sprinting)
this skill will survive) - Searching - Allows players to detect invisible enemies and traps.
- Sneak - Lowers the range in which enemies will detect the character and attack him.
(Assuming he doesn't attack them first, at which point this doesn't matter) - Trading - Allows players to buy merchandise from stores cheaper (1% per level, up to level 10)
- Intimidate - keeps lower-level monsters from attacking you first.
- Athletics - helps to determine performance in physically active minigames.
Combat Skills
- Dodge - improves how often the character can dodge enemy attacks
- Critical - improves the rate of critical hits
- Accuracy - negates the effect of dodge skill for opponents
- Block/Parry - improves the rate of blocking and parrying attacks (blocking is based on this and weapon skills, unlike dodge, which is just based on dodge and Agl.)
- Magic Aura - Improves the stick time of enhancing magics (in conjunction with caster's magic level)
- Counter - improves the rate of automatic counterattacks when you block/parry
Resistance Skills
(There will be one for every status effect)
- Poison - reduces the time you stay poisoned and may prevent poison sometimes
- Silence - reduces the time you stay silenced and may prevent silence sometimes
- Petrify - reduces the time you stay petrified and may prevent petrification sometimes
- Paralyze - reduces the time you stay paralyzed and may prevent Paralysis sometimes
- Blind - reduces the time you stay blinded and may prevent blind sometimes
- Zombie - reduces the time you stay undead and may prevent zombie sometimes
- Slow - reduces the time you stay slowed and may prevent slow sometimes
- Critical - reduces the damage inflicted on the character by critical hits (as relative to normal hits)
Elemental Resistance Skills
- Fire - Reduces the effect of fire attacks on the character.
- Water - Reduces the effect of water attacks on the character.
- Earth - Reduces the effect of earth attacks on the character.
- Air - Reduces the effect of air attacks on the character.
- Light - Reduces the effect of light attacks on the character.
- Dark - Reduces the effect of dark attacks on the character.
- Time - Reduces the effect of time attacks on the character.
- Space - Reduces the effect of space attacks on the character.
- (Resistance to mana element is the average of all these)
Hunt Skills
- Insects - Increases damage against insects
- Birds - Increases damage against birds
- Lizards - Increases damage against lizards & dragons
- Amorphs - Increases damage against slimes
- Undead - Increases damage against undead and ghosts
- Machines - Increases damage against machines
- Arcana - Increases damage against elementals and arcana (magic-made creatures)
- Humanoids - Increases damage against goblins, soldiers, ninjas, etc.
- Plantoids - Increases damage against plants.
Stat Skills
- Strength - Calculates the derived stat, Attack Power
- Vitality - Calculates the derived stat, Hit points
- Fortitude - Calculates the derived stat, Defense
- Mentality - Calculates the derived stat, Magic Power
- Awareness - Calculates the derived stat, Magic Defense
- Mana - Calcluates the derived stat, Mana points
- Dexterity - Calulates the derived stats, accuracy% and evasion%
Skill Type Groups and level gaining Each skill you gain in the major group makes other skills in the group harder to master. The groups are as follows:
Offensive Sphere: Weapons, Combat, Magic
Resistance Sphere: Status Resistance, Elemental Resistance
Knowledge Sphere: Hunt, Craft
Stat Sphere: Stat
These groups are exempt from the gain penalty: General
the penalty is decided by this formula: (courtesy of imorgado)
( base * (lvl ^ 1.2 ) ) / ( 50 / ( summ of all skills in group/ number of skills in group ) )
Whis way, only if the player has skills above the median rate (50) it becomes harder to upgrade others in the same sphere.