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Mana Potion
Voraussetzung: Der Mana Seed muss vorher berührt worden sein.
Wyara muss erst eine Mana Potion brauen, bevor du beginnen kannst, Magie zu lernen. Sie benötigt dafür 40 Mauve Blätter und 1 Flasche Wasser. Wenn du die potion erhälst, trink sie und berühre den Mana Seed ein weiteres mal.
- 1,000 EXP
- General Magic Skill
Heile den Teich
Wyara fragt dich, ob du den Teich westlich von Hurnscald heilen kannst. Der Teich ist sehr klein und in der Mitte befindet sich ein Stein. Wyara trägt dir auf, für das Brauen der Potion 20 Mauve Blätter und 20 Maggot Schleime zu sammeln. Um den Teich zu Heilen musst du die Potion benutzen (nicht wegwerfen) während du dich in der Mitte des Teiches befindest, insgesamt müssen 2 Potions gebraut und benutzt werden. Danach kannst du von Wyara den Spruch #kaflosh lernen.
- 5,000 EXP
- Nature Magic Skill Level 2
Sagatha wird dir erst Sprüche lernen, wenn du bereits Level 2 in General Magic Skill erworben hast und wenn die Anzahl erledigter bösartiger Monster grösser ist als die gutartiger Monster. Sie wird dir den Spruch #chipchip lernen, den man beispielsweise auf Fluffys oder Mouboos anwenden kann, um Gegenstände zu bekommen, ohne die Kreaturen erledigen zu müssen. Je öfter ihr den Spruch benutzt, desto Fröhlicher wird Sagatha.
Sagathas Baum
Wenn du mit Wyara über Training sprichst, wenn du Level 2 in General Magic Skill erworben hast, wird sie dir von einem sterbenden Baum in der Wüste südöstlich von Tulimshar, der Hilfe braucht, erzählen. Beim Baum angekommen benutze den Spruch #kaflosh um ihn zu wässern. Ausserdem musst du den Baum noch umarmen, stell dich dazu neben den Baum und gib im Chatfenster "/me hug" ein. Die Belohnung für die Aktion sind 20.000 EXP.
Verletzter Mouboo
Beginnend von Hurnscald aus gehe westwärts Richtung Auldsbel, bevor du ihn erreichst gehe nach Norden. Jetzt in Richtung der Höhle, die zum Mana Seed führte. Diesmal gehst du aber in die andere Höhle und folgst dem Weg. Aus der Höhle wieder dem Weg folgen, an der Blumenverkäuferin vorbei und südwärts zum Mouboo. Falls du schon Level 2 Life Magic bekommen hast, benutze den Spruch #inma am Mouboo, falls nicht gib dem Mouboo eine large healing potion. Diese Potion kann beim Alchemisten Caul gebraut werden, mehr Infos hier Provisorical Alchemy System. Als Belohnung gibt es 5.000 EXP.
Der Earth Spirit befindet sich in der Wüste bei Tulimshar.
Dark Path Of Magic
The Earth Spirit can teach you the Dark Path of Magic. In order to be taught in this path, if you decided to choose it, you will have to kill the Injured Mouboo with the Bone Knife and cut Sagatha's Tree with the Bone Knife (writing "cut"). You also will need 100,000 GP to be his student and will ask you quite a lot of money for each Nature Magic Skill spell.
Light Path Of Magic
If you have already chosen to kill the Injured Mouboo or cut Sagatha's Tree, you are already on the Dark Path of Magic. If you have not done these things, you are still on the light path for now.
Talking with him is currently not that recommended because you won't be able later to learn Nature Magic with Wyara or Astral Magic with Sagatha : if you chose the Dark Path of Magic, the Earth Spirit he will only teach you Nature Magic. Wyara and Sagatha will also refuse to speak to you once achieved the first quest proposed by the Earth Spirit.
If you healed the Injured Mouboo and/or huged Sagatha's Tree, you won't be able to kill the Injured Mouboo and/or cut Sagatha's Tree and will stay on the Light Path of Magic.
Elanore The Healer
Creating Lifestones
Elanore asks you to fetch 10 of each herb. In return, she will create 5 Lifestones. You will also recieve 100 EXP each time. Later, with a greater control of magic, that means after touching the Mana Seed a second time, she will teach you #manpahil to create the Lifestones yourself.
Get Life Magic Skill Level 2
Elanore will take a closer look at you to see if you are a good healer. To be a good healer, you must heal a lot of players who really need to be healed with #lum "name". When you heal a player, you will receive EXP in (the more damage you heal, the more EXP you earn). When you have healed enough players, she will give you Life Magic Skill Level 2 and teach you #inma, the greatest healing spell currently in the game.
Auldsbel is a wizard living in a house west of Hurnscald.
- #miteyo is mostly a training spell for the General Magic Skill.
- #parum boo - After that Auldsbel will see Mouboo Figurine you created (you can't buy one and do it), he will accept you as true apprentice and give you his blessing (5,000 EXP and the Transmutation Magic Skill Level 2).
- #patloree - Cost - 20 Mauve Herbs
- #patmuploo - Cost - 10 Scorpion Stingers
- #kularzufrill - Cost - 20 Raw Logs, Reward 1,000 EXP
For more details on spells, see the Magic Spells page.
Helping With Experiments
You can help Auldsbel with his experiments to earn gold and EXP. You do not have to know magic to perform this section. These must be done in order as they are laid out below:
- Turn in 20 Mauve Herbs. You will receive 2,500 GP and 500 EXP.
- Turn in 1 Concentration potion, 1 Iron potion, 3 Small Healing Potions, and 3 Medium Healing Potions. Small Healing potions are obtainable by the Monsters Points Quest. You will though need to meet Caul The Alchemist in order to have Medium Healing Potions. If feasible, set your intelligence to 35 by using Malivox (stat reset) to make potions more quickly. You will receive 2,500 GP and 500 EXP.
- Turn in 100 Silk Cocoons. You will receive 5,000 GP and 2,000 EXP.
- Turn in 25 Red Scorpion Stingers and 25 Maggot Slimes. You will receive 5,000 GP and 10,000 EXP.
- Turn in 20 Snake Tongues, 20 Cave Snake Tongues and 20 Mountain Snake Tongues. You will receive 8,000 GP and 40,000 EXP.
- Finally, turn in 50 Grass Snake Tongues! You will receive 10,000 GP and 100,000 EXP. Warning: he will spawn 4 Grass Snakes so be prepared to fight or run!
Magic Swords
The Magic Swords are two twin sisters buried in the rock. They will teach you many spells from the War Magic Skill. One stands in the river in the cave underneath the Hurnscald's Inn, the other is the middle of the river separating the Dimond's Cove from the woods to the west. If one refuses to talk to you, then try with her sister.
You will need to save some Monster Points to be able to learn your spells!
Spells taught by the Magic Swords:
- #chiza
- #flar
- #upmarmu
- #frillyar
- #ingrav
Cave Sword
Here is the script for the cave sword: [1]
Dimond Sword
Here is the script for the dimond sword: [2]
Hinnak is located north of Hurnscald. He wants a beer and if you give one to him, he will tell you about the #kalmurk spell.
Spell List
See Magic Spells.
See Magic.