From The Mana World
Revision as of 05:58, 6 August 2011 by JatLee (talk | contribs) (→‎Bazat)

Quest Overview
Starting Location 042-2 North of Tulimshar
Level 1
Prerequisites None
Redoable No, only once


  • Ju jeni duke filluar lojën, Mirë se vini nëMana Botërore.

Para së gjithash, kur provoni për të lëvizur, Sorfina flet me ju. Ju mësoni 6 rregullat e rëndësishme të lojës 'të të cilat janë goxha të thjeshta për ti ndjekur:

    • 1.MosNuki abuzoni lojtarët e tjerë(sharje,kercënime,drejtuar një personi ose shumë personave)
    • 2.Mos rrini duket luftuar(kur ju nuk jeni larg nga tasatura juaj)kjo ështëe gjitha.
    • 3.Mos përsërit fjalë/apo (edhe në trade mos e bëj).
    • 4.Mos lype sene.
    • 5.Flit vetëm anglisht në publikë.
    • 6.Trajtojë të tjerët në të njejtën mënyrë qe ti deshiron te trajtohesh
  • Ti je duke u zgjuar pasi barka jote u permbyt. Ti je ne Tulimshar. Sic mund ta shohesh, gjithqka edhe e thate, gjithqka eshte vjedhur pasi ti dole jashte.
  • Pas informatave qe Sorfina ti jep, lart tephiut te kuq. Pasi je duke ecur, Sorfina te tregon ta hapesh nje arkë ne dhom dhe ta marresh Shiritin e Pambukut në të. Tani duhet ta vendosesh ate.
  • Fol me Sorfinen pasi qe ta vendosesh Shiritin e Pambukut. Tani ajo do ti jep disa informat se ku je ti, etj. Dil nga shtepia dhe shiko perreth.


  • After having explored the area a bit, you'll enter a house where Tanisha is. Talk to her.
  • Tanisha gives you a knife and tells you to kill the maggots as training. Kill the 5 maggots. You will of course get some EXP (5 * 6 EXP) which are used to level up. Try increasing your strengh, vitality and dexterity at first. The intelligence will be used later, when you know a bit of magic.
  • Now that you are done, talk to Tanisha. She will tell you about few things such as status points, since you just leveled up.

A Start of Adventure

  • As you go east of Tanisha's house, you try to go pass Hasan, but he unfortunately stops you. Don't try to kill him, as you will probably die by doing this.
  • Talk to Kaan, and tell her about the maggots you've just killed. Also tell her that Hasan isn't letting you pass.
  • You now need to know what is Hasan's weakness. Come back to Tanisha and tell her everything about Hasan. She will tell you that he is awfully scared of scorpions.
  • Tell Kaan about the scorpions, and you will plot against Hasan. Talk to him and scratch your head as a signal. Kill the scorpion that has just appeared!
  • Talk to Hasan and he will give you a Sharp Knife for what you did. He proposes you to go to Tulimshar's bazar, you can accept.
  • You are now done with the Tutorial and you are free to explore The Mana World! Congratulations!


  • 30 EXP
  • 1 Cotton Shirt
  • 1 Knife
  • 1 Sharp Knife