From The Mana World
< User:Alige
Revision as of 14:34, 11 May 2011 by Alige (talk | contribs)
Quest Overview
Starting Location
Level 90
Prerequisites None
Redoable Yes, forever

General Infos

What To Do:

  • For each level, four players will be needed to be able to start the battle.
  • In the main hall, global announcements will be sent to inform players about the current players that are fighting.
  • Players can do each level as many times as they want but can only have the reward once (Training Level's reward can be given each time this level is finished though).
  • If a player enters a level but didn't finished the previous level one at least once, he dies instantly and gets a message explaining why he died.
  • A soul menhir should be placed near this place, probably in Thermin.
  • The main cave will only be accessible to players who have a level equal or higher than 90. A message will be sent if you don't the required level and you'll die instantly.


  • You should see the NPC in the cave near the entrance of the main hall of the Crawl Map, he will give you some advices.
  • Be sure to be enough before starting the battle.


  • Bring a lot of Iron and Concentration Potions to get rid of the enemies quickly.
  • You will need at least a mage very tough to be able to reach the end of the level you started.
  • Vitality and luck are the most important stats to increase to be able to resist the monster invasion.
  • Take the best arrows you have, if you are an archer, to help your warrior friends.
  • Healing Potion are really helpful in critical situations.


All the questions will be created when the overall map will be done. A small cave will lead the player to a NPC that will talk a lot and in his speech will be some answers to questions. A random question will be asked at the beginning and at the end of each level. This NPC will also be able to give some advices about how to be able to finish each level without loosing too oftenly.


Training Level

Cost: 5,000 GP

Reward: 1,000 Bone Arrows


Re-doable: Yes, forever

First Level

Cost: 10,000 GP + a random question

Reward: Golden Leg Armor

Prerequisites: Training Level done up to the end at least once.

Re-doable: Yes, forever

Second Level

Cost: 25,000 GP + a random question

Reward: Savior Armor

Prerequisites: First Level done up to the end at least once.

Re-doable: Yes, forever

Third Level

Cost: 50,000 GP + a random question

Reward: Overlord Helmet (50%) / Paladin Helmet (50%)

Prerequisites: Second Level done up to the end at least once and Gas Mask quest.

Re-doable: Yes, forever

Infos: This map will have a green particle effect, the same as fog but in green. That will represent the poison being in the room. The player will die if he does not have the Gas Mask on his head when he enters the room. If the player takes the Gas Mask off while being in the room, he will get poisoned unless he has Poison Skill level 9 and is focused on it.

Total Cost

  • 90,000 GP

Total Rewards

  • 1,000 Bone Arrows
  • 1 Golden Leg Armor
  • 1 Savior Armor
  • 1 Overlord Helmet or 1 Paladin Helmet