Moderators: Aacheron is currently more or less in charge of the NPC section; feel free to leave comments and suggestions below, in the space reserved for it. Oh, and don't touch anything without permission (except for the comment-space, of course). Kyokai and Talaroc have contributed with a few NPCs, before Aacheron joined in. They are both still involved in world development, and are sort-of "co-responsible" for this stuff.
Note: the expression "(town)" implies any given town or city, i.e. not yet finalised which one.
The 9 Sages
- Aurora Sharadin - Sage of the Air Temple
- Heketch Tghelmann - Sage of the Dark Temple
- Terhi Gradyx - Sage of the Earth Temple
- Sus'anoo Milachts - Sage of the Fire Temple
- Garathos Penarae - Sage of the Light Temple
- Kirin De'kagen - Sage of the Mana Temple
- Gryphonne Stravag - Sage of the Space Temple
- Mclecht Rodium - Sage of the Time Temple
- Shoshanah Xirukos - Sage of the Water Temple
The 6 demons
- Grenxen - The rat
- Hra-zul - The thinker
- Vixiel - The solitary
- Balgarieth - The mighty
- Xendah - The scholar
- Azerel - The banished
- Zax Dekagen - The mana seal
- Reich Carlough - "Apprentice" to the Dark Sage
- Bernhard Evermoore - carpenter in (town), and self-proclaimed "inventor"
- Garret Masters - a travelling merchant who wanders the world in search of wondrous items
- Tyrone Hiro - Garret's bodyguard and friend
- Sandhoof - Garret's trusty horse
- Murray Greypaw - a grizzled old warrior who's got a thousand and one stories to tell
- Amelia Haddings - not all what she seems...
- Little Bird - the village idiot in (town)
- Tyfren Strauss - the captain of the guard in (town)
- Adhiz Membasharos - owner of the curry restaurant in (town)
- Iincyo Valender - scholar in Toukai, world's leading Alchemist
- Jarred Valender - prominent businessman in Toukai
Template for characters below (made by Aacheron), please use it (by opening the Edit-screen and copying from there) if creating any...
picture here, otherwise: (no picture)
Full name: full name of character
Age: x years
Height: x' x" (x,x m) 2,5 cm = 1" and 30 cm = 1'
Weight: x lbs (x kg) ~2,2 lbs = 1 kg
Birthdate: time of year (exact date when calendar available)
Eye color: colour
Hair color: colour (possibly length)
Blood type: type
Favourite food: food
Hobbies: hobbies
Longer description/story.
- by (your name here)
Edit Notes:
Kyokai: I changed the character Shonen Xirukos to Shoshanah. I don't really care if you keep this particular name that I wrote, as long as you don't use "shonen", since it's a fairly well-known word. Also, I added one character. I'll finish the second one I added to the list, Jarred, tommorrow sometime.
Pajarico: I read above that we shouldn't change anything :p... Well I've added the artwork that exists right now and several other minor changes. Hope it doesn't bother anyone.