From The Mana World
Revision as of 14:50, 27 November 2010 by Alige (talk | contribs)

This article contains information for players or people interested in playing The Mana World rEvolt. If you're interested for the Classic game, please go to the Classic portal.

Re-created page on November 27 2010 by Napalm.

This article contains information for players or people interested in playing on the Classic server. If you are looking for information for The Mana World, go here The Mana World.
See also the Classic Portal

This article is for reference purpose

The features described in this article are already implemented in the game. The article should describe how a certain aspect of the game currently works. You may of course edit this article to improve the description of the circumstances. Your opinions or improvement suggestions about the described aspects themself are of course appreciated, too. But please put these on the discussion page of this article to keep facts and fiction separated.

Note: Items listed on these pages may not yet be available in-game.

Rarity is determined as follows:

  • Buyable (Can be bought through a NPC)
  • Craftable (Can be made through a NPC)
  • Dyeable
  • Frequently Dropped (>1%)
  • Rarely dropped (≤1%)
  • No longer obtainable (Stuff which was once dropped by monsters or could be obtained through a temporary event quest)
  • Quest (Item can be gained through a permanent quest reward)

If you plan on updating any of the pages, A link to the most up to date item database and Item Descriptions File, a link for the item picture database.


The items here are for the new, up-and-coming, merged server, and not for The Mana World Classic. If you are looking for the items for the Classic game, then click the link, and go to the bottom right corner, and select the Classic game link.


No player is complete without a trusty weapon to aid them in their adventures. Some weapons can be used while holding a shield, but other weapons require two hands in order to use.


These items provide varying levels of protection from enemy attacks, and sometimes lessen certain types of attacks. You are allowed to wear one of each type of armor at one time.

Item Reference

Ironarmbands.pngArmbands ElixirOfLife.pngHealth Items Backsword.pngWeapons WoodenBow.png2 Handed Weapons
BrimmedFeatherHat.pngHelmets BrownTrousers.pngLegs Piouegg.pngPets TrainingArrow.pngAmmo
Legion'sCopperArmor.pngArmors Equipment-feet-blackboots.pngBoots Leather.pngShields Shemagh.pngNeck
ChorusOfTheWoods.pngBooks Equipment-hands-wintergloves.pngGloves FishingRod.pngSpecial Pearl.pngOther

The items are sorted first by defense, then by magic bonus, then by price, then by ID.

Head Armor

Image Name ID Defense Magic Attack malus/bonus Price
Weight Description Rarity
Armor-head-paperbag.png Paper Bag [1218] 1 -1 1,000 GP
5 gp
10 A paper bag with eye holes.
Malus: Agility -1
No longer obtainable
Armor-head-mouboohead.png Mouboo Head [1216] 1 0 10 GP
1 gp
80 A tightly fitting mouboo head. No longer obtainable
Armor-head-moubootaurhead.png Moubootaur Head [1219] 1 0 10 GP
1 gp
80 The Moubootaur's head. Unobtainable
Armor-head-bunchofparsley.png Bunch Of Parsley [1220] 1 0 3 GP
1 gp
1 A bunch of parsley, useful for salads and many other dishes. In a pinch, it doubles as earplugs. Unobtainable
Armor-head-pinkiehat.png Pinkie Hat [751] 1 1 5,000 GP
1,000 gp
5 With this, you'll fit right in with those strange pinkies. Pinkie (0,4%)
Armor-head-catears.png Cat Ears [1217] 1 3 50 GP
2 gp
20 A pair of plush cat ears.
Bonus: Agility +3
Armor-head-fluffyhat.png Fluffy Hat [752] 2 -5 7,000 GP
2,000 gp
10 Now you can wear fur on your head. Fluffy (0,2%)
Armor-head-santahat.png Santa Hat [511] 2 -2 400 GP
200 gp
20 Ask Santa about this hat. Quest, No longer obtainable
Armor-head-rangerhat.png Ranger Hat [1203] 2 -1 1,000 GP
500 gp
20 A leather hat traditionally worn by Rangers. Jack O (4%)
Armor-head-goggles.png Goggles [618] 2 0 500 GP
100 gp
20 Goggles designed to take care of your eyes. No longer obtainable
Armor-head-serf.png Serf Hat [656] 2 0 500 GP
100 gp
20 A simple hat made from cloth. Buyable
Armor-head-gradcap.png Graduation Cap [675] 2 0 1,000 GP
255 gp
20 A traditional cap which a university student may wear upon graduating. Quest
Armor-head-cottonheadband.png Cotton Headband [724] 2 0 3,000 GP
500 gp
5 Just a cotton headband. Dyable Buyable
Armor-head-redcottonheadband.png Red Cotton Headband [2140] 2 0 3,000 GP
500 gp
5 Just a cotton headband. Quest
Armor-head-greencottonheadband.png Green Cotton Headband [2141] 2 0 3,000 GP
500 gp
5 Just a cotton headband. Quest
Armor-head-darkbluecottonheadband.png Dark Blue Cotton Headband [2142] 2 0 3,000 GP
500 gp
5 Just a cotton headband. Quest
Armor-head-yellowcottonheadband.png Yellow Cotton Headband [2143] 2 0 3,000 GP
500 gp
5 Just a cotton headband. Quest
Armor-head-lightbluecottonheadband.png Light Blue Cotton Headband [2144] 2 0 3,000 GP
500 gp
5 Just a cotton headband. Quest
Armor-head-pinkcottonheadband.png Pink Cotton Headband [2145] 2 0 3,000 GP
500 gp
5 Just a cotton headband. Quest
Armor-head-blackcottonheadband.png Black Cotton Headband [2146] 2 0 3,000 GP
500 gp
5 Just a cotton headband. Quest
Armor-head-orangecottonheadband.png Orange Cotton Headband [2147] 2 0 3,000 GP
500 gp
5 Just a cotton headband. Quest
Armor-head-purplecottonheadband.png Purple Cotton Headband [2148] 2 0 3,000 GP
500 gp
5 Just a cotton headband. Quest
Armor-head-darkgreencottonheadband.png Dark Green Cotton Headband [2149] 2 0 3,000 GP
500 gp
5 Just a cotton headband. Quest
Armor-head-christmastree.png Christmas Tree Hat [1205] 2 4 2,000 GP
1,000 gp
20 A hat shaped like a Christmas tree. No longer obtainable
Armor-head-facemask.png Skull Mask [1221] 2 5 10,000 GP
5,000 gp
150 A mask made out of bones. Reaper (0,1%)
Armor-head-standardheadband.png Standard Headband [543] 3 -3 800 GP
400 gp
10 A standard headband. Buyable
Armor-head-leathergoggles.png Leather Goggles [619] 3 0 1,000 GP
500 gp
20 Goggles designed for desert storms. No longer obtainable
Armor-head-eyepatch.png Eyepatch [621] 3 0 1,000 GP
500 gp
5 What really makes you a pirate. No longer obtainable
Armor-head-bandana.png Bandana [622] 3 0 1,000 GP
500 gp
20 A striped bandana. Jack O (4%)
Armor-head-deserthat.png Desert Hat [723] 3 0 20,000 GP
1,000 gp
20 While the desert hat is perfect for sand storms, it won't help you much against a blow to the head. Dyable Buyable
Armor-head-nohmask.png Noh Mask [678] 3 1 7,000 GP
1,000 gp
18 A mask made out of bones. Quest
Armor-head-demonmask.png Demon Mask [679] 3 5 10,000 GP
5,000 gp
23 A scary mask to make you look like a demon. Quest
Armor-head-witchdoctormask.png Witch Doctor's Mask [781] 3 ? ? GP
? gp
20 A crazy mask from the Voodoo doctor. Unobtainable
Armor-head-minershat.png Miners Hat [525] 4 -8 800 GP
400 gp
40 A hat used by miners. Buyable, RedSlime (0,8%)
Armor-head-piratehat.png Pirate Hat [617] 4 -8 2,000 GP
1,000 gp
40 A pirate hat. Jack O (3%)
Armor-head-pumpkinhelmet.png Pumpkin Helmet [615] 4 -4 2,000 GP
1,000 gp
60 A helmet made out of a pumpkin. Jack O (3%)
Armor-head-axehat.png Axe Hat [616] 4 -4 2,000 GP
1,000 gp
50 A really cool joke. Jack O (6%)
Armor-head-crown.png Crown [646] 4 0 5,000 GP
240 A jewel embossed crown fit for any ruler. Unobtainable
Armor-head-antlerhat.png Antler Hat [1204] 4 2 1,000 GP
500 gp
15 A hat with antlers sticking out of it. No longer obtainable
Armor-head-circlet.png Circlet [620] 4 5 2,000 GP
1,000 gp
25 A nice piece of jewelry. Jack O (4%)
Armor-head-highpriest-crown.png High Priest Crown [721] 4 20 30,000,000 GP
? gp
400 A golden crown with an enchanted ruby. Buyable
Armor-head-snowgoggles.png Snow Goggles [1242] 5 -2 7,500 GP
5,000 gp
10 Snow goggles to keep your eyeballs from freezing. No longer obtainable
Armor-head-fancyhat.png Fancy Hat [524] 5 0 1,600 GP
800 gp
20 A Fancy Hat. Buyable, RedScorpion(0,25%), Snake(3%)
Armor-head-newcap.png Cap [654] 5 0 20,000,000 GP
? gp
20 A hat with a peak to shield your eyes from the sun. Buyable
Armor-head-santabeardhat.png Santa Beard Hat [1206] 5 2 1,000 GP
500 gp
20 Now you will look just like Santa Claus! No longer obtainable
Armor-head-devcap.png Developers Cap [647] 5 5 2,000 GP
500 gp
20 A cap which identifies you as a developer. "Quest"
Armor-head-gmcap.png GM Cap [725] 5 5 2,000 GP
500 gp
20 A hat with a peak to shield your eyes from the sun. GM Only
Armor-head-rabbit ears.png White Rabbit Ears [1255] 5 4 7,000 GP
5,000 gp
20 A headband with rabbit ears, pure white. Dyable No longer obtainable
Armor-head-redrabbitears.png Red Rabbit Ears [2190] 5 4 7,000 GP
5,000 gp
15 A headband with rabbit ears, bright red. Dyable
Armor-head-greenrabbitears.png Green Rabbit Ears [2191] 5 4 7,000 GP
5,000 gp
15 A headband with rabbit ears, a warm green. Dyable
Armor-head-darkbluerabbitears.png Dark Blue Rabbit Ears [2192] 5 4 7,000 GP
5,000 gp
15 A headband with rabbit ears, iridescent dark blue. Dyable
Armor-head-yellowrabbitears.png Yellow Rabbit Ears [2193] 5 4 7,000 GP
5,000 gp
15 A headband with rabbit ears, a soft yellow. Dyable
Armor-head-lightbluerabbitears.png Light Blue Rabbit Ears [2194] 5 4 7,000 GP
5,000 gp
15 A headband with rabbit ears, a light blue. Dyable
Armor-head-pinkrabbitears.png Pink Rabbit Ears [2195] 5 4 7,000 GP
5,000 gp
15 A headband with rabbit ears, bright pink. Dyable
Armor-head-blackrabbitears.png Black Rabbit Ears [2196] 5 4 7,000 GP
5,000 gp
15 A headband with rabbit ears, a deep black. Dyable
Armor-head-orangerabbitears.png Orange Rabbit Ears [2197] 5 4 7,000 GP
5,000 gp
15 A headband with rabbit ears, bright orange. Dyable
Armor-head-purplerabbitears.png Purple Rabbit Ears [2198] 5 4 7,000 GP
5,000 gp
15 A headband with rabbit ears, a strong purple. Dyable
Armor-head-darkgreenrabbitears.png Dark Green Rabbit Ears [2199] 5 4 7,000 GP
5,000 gp
15 A headband with rabbit ears, a deep green. Dyable
Armor-head-sailorhat.png Sailor Hat [764] 5 ? ? GP
? gp
5 A hat worn by brave sailors. Unobtainable
Armor-head-cowboywhite.png White Cowboy Hat [643] 6 -12 1,800 GP
900 gp
30 A white cowboy hat with a band. Quest
Armor-head-cowboyblack.png Black Cowboy Hat [644] 6 -12 1,800 GP
900 gp
30 A black cowboy hat with shiny buckles. Quest
Armor-head-monster-skull-helm.png Monster Skull Helmet [722] 7 -10 30,000,000 GP
? gp
250 The conserved skull of a mysterious ancient monster. Buyable
Armor-head-heartglasses.png Heart Glasses [1247] 8 5 7,500 GP
5,000 gp
20 Heart Glasses from another universe. Decisions were different there. No longer obtainable
Armor-head-fairyhat.png Fairy Hat [770] 8 ? ? GP
? gp
18 The famous hat worn by Robin Hood. Unobtainable
Armor-head-silkheadband.png Silk Headband [544] 10 -10 5,000 GP
2,000 gp
10 A cool headband made of silk. Buyable
Armor-head-mushroomhat.png Mush Hat [629] 10 0 2,500 GP
1,250 gp
30 Soft and fashionable. No longer obtainable
Armor-head-mask.png Face Mask [634] 10 0 2,500 GP
1,250 gp
50 A wooden mask to conceal your face. No longer obtainable
Armor-head-bunnyears.png Bunny Ears [1214] 10 1 5,000 GP
2,000 gp
20 A headband with plush bunny ears. No longer obtainable
Armor-head-tophat.png Top Hat [627] 10 2 2,500 GP
1,250 gp
30 For the gentry of The Mana World. No longer obtainable
Armor-head-eggshellhat.png Eggshell Hat [1256] 12 0 7,000 GP
5,000 gp
15 A novelty hat shaped like an eggshell half.
Malus: Agility -1
No longer obtainable
Armor-head-shroomhat.png Shroom Hat [630] 13 0 3,000 GP
1,500 gp
30 Evil and fashionable. No longer obtainable
Armor-head-funkyhat.png Funky Hat [628] 13 2 3,000 GP
1,500 gp
20 Yawn... No longer obtainable
Armor-head-xmaself.png Christmas Elf Hat [633] 13 2 3,000 GP
1,500 gp
30 A hat worn by christmas elfs. No longer obtainable
Armor-head-guyfawkesmask.png Guy Fawkes' Mask [769] 14 ? ? GP
? gp
12 The famous Guy Fawkes' mask. No longer obtainable
Armor-head-knighthelm.png Knight's Helmet [637] 15 -30 20,000 GP
2,000 gp
600 A helmet with two small wings on it. Buyable
Armor-head-infantryhelm.png Infantry Helmet [638] 15 -30 15,000 GP
1,500 gp
400 A helmet for soldiers and guards. Spider (0,2%)
Terranite-helmet.png Terranite Helmet [766] 15 -12 200,000 GP
3,000 gp
300 A magical helmet made out of semi-polished granite that was enchanted to be very light. Great for mages on the battlefield. Craftable
Armor-head-captainhat.png Captain's Hat [765] 15 ? ? GP
? gp
8 A hat worn by the bravest captains. Unobtainable
Armor-head-warlordhelm.png Warlord Helmet [636] 18 -36 30,000 GP
3,000 gp
900 Worn by great warriors. Buyable
Armor-head-crusade.png Crusade Helmet [639] 18 -36 25,000 GP
2,500 gp
1300 Start your own crusade. Buyable
Armor-head-paladinhelmet.png Paladin's Helmet [759] 19 ? ? GP
? gp
43 Worn only by paladins. Unobtainable
Armor-head-overlordhelm.png Overlord Helmet [760] 20 ? ? GP
? gp
45 Worn by the greatest warriors. Unobtainable
Armor-head-deserthelmet.png Desert Helmet [761] 21 ? ? GP
? gp
48 The perfect desert warriors' helmet. Unobtainable

< Item Reference