From The Mana World
Revision as of 04:16, 22 November 2010 by Hoogli (talk | contribs)

"The razor's edge"...?

(no picture)

  • Full name: Amelia Haddings (full name unknown)
  • Age: unknown (appears to be 20-25 years)
  • Height: 5' 7" - 5' 9" (1,67 - 1,72 m)
  • Weight: unknown (muscular but slender body structure)
  • Birthdate: unknown
  • Eye color: dark green
  • Hair color: dark brown (short, straight)
  • Blood type: unknown
  • Favourite food: unknown
  • Hobbies: unknown

Amelia is a traveller without a home, a wanderer without a goal. She is most often encountered on the road or in some small village tavern or general store, taking a short break before heading off again. No one knows why or to where she travels, and no one has dared to ask her, either. She has an air of menace about her that no one really feels comfortable with; she only speaks in clipped whispers, and rarely does she show any form of politeness.

There is a legend going around, carrying the cryptic name of "the razor's edge". It speaks of a lone girl, aged a mere 19 years, who is actually a living weapon in and upon herself. The legend has been around for a while now, and some do vehemently believe that the wanderer Amelia is in fact "the razor's edge" referred to by the myth. Others discard it as a mere fairy-tale, because it tells of how "the razor's edge" once slaughtered five score fully-armed warriors - all by mistake! No one knows what is true and what is not, but the legend does nothing to detract from the omnious nature surrouding Amelia...

The only person that is said to have learned the truth about Amelia is the village idiot in (town), called Little Bird, who is - ironically - thought to be completely barmy...