From The Mana World

This article collects information regarding the conceptualisation of the gameplay of The Mana World

This article is currently only a proposal

The features or design guidelines described in this article are only a proposal made by one or some persons. It has not been evaluated or accepted by the core development team yet. Feel free to add your personal opinion about them or make counter proposals.

Technical Information

Guild system technical contains all the technical info.

  • Guilds have a full name and an alias(4 letter chosen abbreviation)
  • Members of a guild have the alias prefixed to their name to show to TMW players that they are part of a guild format could be something like [MGLD] floatswitch


Any player can create a guild. The name of the guild must be unique and not taken already.

Guilds must be ratified by a GM to become official. To be ratified the guild must have at least 5 participants that must issue a certain command with the guild name/alias, which will become the guild's initial lieutenants. This will ensure a control mechanism of sorts to keep guild creation spam lower.

The guild creator can invite other players. The invited players can choose to accept or decline the invitation.

Guild members can chat with each other using a guild chat channel. Only guild members can be in the channel. Guild members may not leave the channel, without quitting the guild.

Each guild member can see whether the other guild members are online or offline.


  • Guilds could have buildings they can enter and store items.
  • Guild members could have a status, so other members may invite other players.
    • Guild commander -- has master power over guild, only one who can initiate invitations to players for membership
    • Guild lieutenants -- a council that have higher guild powers than regular members
    • Guild members -- base level guild account
  • Guild banking system
    • members of the guild can contribute to the guild bank
    • differing guild member levels have different daily withdraw amounts
      • commander -- unlimited
      • lieutenant -- max 250K/day (or arbitrary amount alot higher than member, but less than commander)
      • member -- max 50k/day (same as above, arbitrary number less than lieutennant)

Trapdoor 22:16, 25 April 2007 (CEST) user:floatswitch modified feb 13 2010 20:37 est