From The Mana World
Revision as of 15:08, 15 January 2010 by Jak1 (talk | contribs)

Hi Guys and Girls

welcome to my wiki-page^^

i am sorry, but i can't come online so much in the last time... i am still working... "MONEY"
or more on my Server (to change and fix something)
i need to work more on the server... "quests, itemstats..."

yours jak1^^
sry for my bad english, i am from germany xD

More about my Server

Map's Item's Monster's Skill's NPC's
i have a new town named "Terkep" (made of hunubi) + some maps from other server and some of my mapper's uhm they are to much to list them, but they are not all obtainable atm so i need some ppl they can script i have all the same, but the skelet monsters arn't the same + a santa clause and some of other servers the skills are the same then in tmw, so i am working on some more weaponskills, and much more spells the npc's are the same in tmw, some are new, but not enough
need some mappers they are good in use with tiled the items i think are atm finished, they are much enough i think finihed too, needs only some little changes //later\\ so i need NPC-Scripter
. . . . .

My Server


  • PLZ speak YOUR Langue... (but english if u speak with an GM or Dev) so they can understand you
    • 2 Rules from The Mana World in my Server too
  • Don't Beg!
  • Don't Bot!


  • Host:
  • Port: 6901


at all my GM's plz don't use any commands to any players if they don't need them
look in the gm-log, it is really fully -.-


User:jak1/Quests maybe interresting for guy's they "can Script eAthena" (or as examples)
User:jak1/Translationscripts i hope some ppl can realism it^^
User:jak1/Server_how_to that is the only 1 i start for config ur "Server"

Contact Me



You can come on my:


  • Server:
  • Channel: #tMWoM
