From The Mana World
Revision as of 20:13, 28 December 2009 by Habari (talk | contribs)
Welcome to The Mana World wiki! This wiki is meant to provide information to our players, to provide an easy way to contribute to the development of certain parts of the game and to improve collaboration between people on the development team. We hope you will find what you are looking for. To be able to edit you have to login, but signing up is free and requires no activation. Tmw logo.png

About The Game

Project description-Screenshots-Developers-Game Masters-System requirements-Servers-Player Groups-Forks

Help For Newbies

Getting started-Party system-Walkthrough-FAQ

Game Content Information For Players

Alchemy - Monsters - Items - NPC´s - Magicplayer statistics - Quests - World map - configuration




GUI graphics

Development General information

Joining the project - Roadmap - Git repository - IRC

Concepts , world and story

Backstory - Geography - Creatures - Organizations - Elements

Game content Information For developers

General: Guidelines - Concept art - Recently uploaded images
Characters:Equipment in development
Creatures: Creature proposal - Monster sheets
Graphics: Tilesets - Animations - Particle effects - Image dyeing
Mapping: Map development - Mapping Tutorial
Sound and music: Sound effects - Music
Other: Translations - Friendly Bots

Gameplay Information for Developers

Combat: Game systems - Weapons
User input: GUI development - Keyboard usage - Menu interface system

Programming Information For Developers

eAthena Scripting Standards-Dependencies-Ports-Bug tracker-Source code documentation (Doxygen)

RFCs: Rendering - Action layers - Collision system - Movement system - Logging
Reference: Server development - Realtime combat - Monster Database
Releases: Making a new release - How to release an update

Mana Source Dependant Information For Developers

Source code guidelines

Outdated Wiki Entries, For Reference purpose only

List of content being worked on - Assignments - Playersets - Equipment sheets - - Hairsets - NPC development