From The Mana World
< User:Wombat
Revision as of 11:30, 25 December 2009 by Crush (talk | contribs) (Added link to article I wrote about Kaizai a while ago.)

Kaizei is a continent under construction that has some basic ideas. To make Kaizei grow, we can use some of what several users have done that is geared around the snowland area. Though Kaizei has some basic story, it can be shaped to be more fitting for what comes from this project and those contributors that want to get involved in it. Because this project is for TMW, it will ultimately attempt to meet the games standards. However, it is also a good playground for testing and experimenting with as well as sharing simple and complex npcs, vast in number and concentrated.

Project Kaizei, as a supplement rather than an official release, will have its own spot within git that others can use for their own servers. While it conforms to TMW art standards, Project Kaizei is to be released with more flexible and random art standards. All pixelart released for TMW-like games that are GPL can be used for the creation of this continent. Sprite layering and recolors are to be used regularly to increase the number of npcs, monsters, equipment, items and so on. Items that haven't been added to the game, but exist in the graphics forums can be used, as can map tiles that make sense to a map creator.

The idea is to initially make Kaizei a stand alone continent with its own version of quests and balance that a character can run through. However, shops only offer items after performing a quest (or series of quests) to unlock it.

All equipment a character has from Agraes can't be transported to Kaizei and the banks have no common link.

Being able to get better items and equipment, more options and so on, the character has to perform a series of quests to unlock the person that might be selling the item. All equipment is to be slowly unlocked by performing a series of quests to stretch the game out or some other method that makes all equipment a quest item or something built.

This idea will be fleshed out more.

Some Ideas

- Continent is a stand alone, so all equipment needs to be detailed. - Equipment on Kaizei is not compatible with Agraes equipment. - Linear and non-linear quests need to be completed to unlock access to certain NPCs, open shops, banks, maps and so on. - Add a PvP/PvE Zone that acts as a crossroads for a section of the map. - Add multiple trigger caves with an overworld map (XXX-1), underworld maps (XXX-2, XXX-3, XXX-4) and a boss map (XXX-5) to stretch a quest out through numbers of hostile monsters. - Use NPCs to connect maps that aren't until a map artist fixes the problem. Maps that fit into the setting can also be accepted as long as an NPC can transport the character back and forth. - Recoloring and sprite layering will vastly expand Kaizei's potential to be a fun supplement. New equipment to be made with more flexible standards to allow rough quality items into the game until art is drafted to replace it.

See also
