From The Mana World
Revision as of 23:13, 22 December 2009 by Devvmh (talk | contribs) (cleaned grammar, added a link back to the main page to make it non-dead-end.)

4144 is an alternate client for playing The Mana World. It has some extra features.

You can find it at

Special Moves:

You can custom program a special move in the setup->other tab. Commands:

  • d[direction] Change facing direction to [direction]
  • m[direction] move in direction [direction]
  • e[emotion] show emoticon [emotion]
  • s sit
  • op/on --- wear (p)revious or (n)ext (o)utfit
  • p pick up

[direction] can be u d l r (for (u)p (d)own (l)eft (r)ight)

[emotion] is 0-9, a-d