From The Mana World

hi Guys and Girls,

welcome to my wiki-page^^

i am sorry, but i can't come online so much in the last time... i am still working... "MONEY"
i need to work more on the server... "quests"

yours jak1^^
sry for my bad english, i am from germany xD

Map's Item's Monster's Skill's
i have a new town named "Terkep" (made of hunubi) + some maps from other server and same mapped uhm they are to much to list them, but they are not all obtainable atm so i need some ppl they can script i have all the same, but the skelet monsters arn't the same + a santa clause and some of other servers the skills are the sme then in tmw, so i am working on some more weaponskills, and much more spells
need some mappers they are good in use with tiled the items i think are atm finished, they are much enough i think finihed too, needs only some little changes //later\\
. . . .
the npc's are the same in tmw, some are new, but not enough
so i need NPC-Scripter

at all my GM's plz don't use any commands to any players if they don't need them
look in the gm-log, it is really fully -.-