From The Mana World
Revision as of 20:32, 6 October 2009 by Bjørn (talk | contribs) (Long due update)

About me

Bjørn's avatar (2000).jpg
Bjørn's avatar (2004).jpg
Bjorns avatar.png
Bjørn's avatar (2006).png
Bjørn's avatar (2007).jpg

I'm a computer scientist who discovered The Mana World in early December 2004. Recognizing in The Mana World the project I had been wanting to work on for about 2 years already, I immediately got into contact with the developers and joined the team as a programmer.

On the 4th of July 2007 I finally finished my master thesis, which took me over a year to finish while I was working part time at Fraunhofer IPSI and IGD. From September 2007 I have started working full time at Trolltech in Berlin. Unfortunately this means I don't have much time for The Mana World anymore, but I keep up with development as much as I can.

SourceForge: b_lindeijer
IRC: thorbjorn
gitorious: bjorn
In game: Purple

Recently completed

  • 2009-10-01: Released Tiled Qt 0.2.0

Planned activity (whenever I get around to it)

  • Implement a more flexible listbox to be used in the buy and sell dialogs for showing item icons and aligning price better. Should at the same time be able to function as the base of a reimplemented ItemContainer.
  • Help implementing several subsystems in our own server.
  • Develop a small tool for building content updates based on git revisions
  • When feasible, write a browser interface that can dynamically create animated GIFs from player base and chosen equipment sprites. Would be neat to also be able to download a layered XCF file to work on it with GIMP.

Gallery of stuff by me