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< Talk:Item Reference
Revision as of 07:26, 18 August 2009 by Ginaria (talk | contribs) (New page: Hello guys, which modified the item reference sections! Small questions, who has such senseless ideas!? 1.)Please STOP to insert every color of a cotton shirt or such else, that is very ...)
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Hello guys, which modified the item reference sections! Small questions, who has such senseless ideas!?

1.)Please STOP to insert every color of a cotton shirt or such else, that is very negative to the overview, if you insert every color for every colorable item!!!

My solution: Look to description of cotton shirt, there is an advice that this item is colorable, and I improve it now, and make a link out of the word "dyable" to Selim the Dyer!

Please remove colored items!!! Please...

2.)Who has the idea of the possibility of sorting the items after Image, Name, ID, Price, Description or rarity....??? WHY? It was good so it was, first defense, then magic attack bonus/malus, then ID, where was the problem? Why some peoples correct/improve something in such a makes it not better to sort something after image or image name and so on.

PLEASE remove senseless sorting possibilitys!!!