From The Mana World


Archives of outdated information from this talk page are here:


itemdbtowiki does not take enough arguments

In the future, itemdbtowiki should be modified to take some extra arguments from the command line, such as 'image_path', 'checkimagesonwiki', and perhaps the username and password.

[FIXED] Cannot run script


Item-ID -1: Cannot convert integer attribute type to an integer. Value: 'hairsprite'
Item-ID 1213: Cannot convert integer attribute type to an integer. Value: 'generic'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 531, in <module>
    citems = parsexmlitems(f);
  File "./", line 252, in parsexmlitems
    items[curitem['id']] = curitem
KeyError: 'id'

I have tried to understand the script so I can solve it myself, but I do not really understand the logic of what the code is trying to do or the logic of python’s error message. It seems I need to learn more scripting and python as well. ✎ Kess☽ 10:48, 7 November 2008 (CET)

I have solved this part, just needed to take the time to understand the script and update/fix the relevant parts. I will update the item pages in a few days time when I have ironed out some ‘small’ issues like dyed items and rarity. At that time I think I’ll make another archive of this talk page as well. ✎ Kess☽ 19:50, 10 November 2008 (CET)
I do not have this time currently. The latest state of the script is available here: User talk:Kess/Sandbox, with output as shown here: User:Kess/Sandbox. Feel free to use it or skip it. I might get back to this next year. Depends on where my priorities will lie. ✎ Kess☽ 15:26, 18 November 2008 (CET)

How to create this page

I have completed the new new script to recreate this page, please leave me a note if you find any problems. It is now capable of uploading new images to the wiki! --Hype0 02:42, 3 September 2007 (CEST)

You can run itemdbtowiki to generate the wiki page. The usage is:

itemdbtowiki <item_db.txt> <items.xml> > wikipage.txt

If run without any arguments, it'll look for item_db.txt and items.xml in the current directory.

To upload new images to the wiki automatically, 'checkimagesonwiki' in the file to 1 and set a corresponding valid 'wikiuser' and 'wikipassword' as well as set the 'image_path' to be correct (these are all parameters at the start of the script.)

Warning: if you choose to upload images, authentication will be done in plaintext, which is exactly what happens if you log in over http:// anyway... just thought you might like a reminder.



#Licensed under GNU General Public License

import sys, os, popen2;
import xml.parsers.expat


health_titles = ["Image","Name","ID","HP Bonus","SP Bonus",
                 "Price<BR />BUY/Sell","Weight","Description"]
status_titles = ["Image","Name","ID","Spell name","Parameter 1","Parameter 2",
                 "Price<BR />BUY/Sell","Weight","Description"]
weapon_titles = [" Image","Name","ID","Damage<BR />(Range)",
                 "Price<BR />BUY/Sell","Weight","Description"]
armor_titles = ["Image", "Name", "ID", "Defense", 
              "Price<BR />BUY/Sell", "Weight","Description"]
other_titles = ["Image","Name","ID","Price<BR />BUY/Sell",
                "Weight","Description "]

imageurls = [
# The index represents the imageID from the items.xml of the client.
    "",  #    0
    "",         #   42
    "",       #   43
    "",       #   44
    "",       #   45
    "",       #   46
    "",       #   47
    "",       #   48
    "",       #   49
    "",       #   50
    "",       #   51
    "",         #   52
    "",       #   53
    "",       #   54
    "",       #   55
    "",       #   56
    "",       #   57
    "",       #   58
    "",        #   59
    "",       #   60
    "",       #   61
    "",           #   62
    "",       #   63
    "",       #   64

imagesused = {}

class whatever: pass

log = []

# parseitems(file)
## Returns list with items from eathena item_db file.

def saveint(string, altval = 0):
    a = 0
        a = int(string)
        a = altval
    return a
def parsescript(s):
    # Assumes that there's only one call of each method, otherwise it would need to know
    # how to combine those function calls. In practice, the latter call would prevail.
    script = {}
    scriptentry = ""
    parentry = ""
    mode = 0
    for a in s:
        if mode == 0: # looking for method
            if a.isalpha(): 
                mode = 1
                scriptentry += a
            elif a == '}': mode = 9
        elif mode == 1: # reading method name
            if a in " ;}":
                if a == " ": mode = 2
                elif a == ";": mode = 1
                elif a == "}": mode = 9
                parentry = ""
                script[scriptentry] = []
            else: scriptentry += a
        elif mode == 2: #looking for param
            if a == " ": pass
            elif a == ";": 
                mode = 0
                scriptentry = ""
                mode = 3
                parentry = a
        elif mode == 3: #reading param
            if (a == " ") or (a == ",") or (a == ";"):
                parentry = ""
                if (a == ';'): 
                    mode = 0
                    scriptentry = ""
                else: mode = 2
                parentry += a
        elif mode == 9: #finished

    # Convert all possible parameters to integers
    for i in script.keys():
        for j in range(len(script[i])):
                script[i][j] = int(script[i][j])
                #print script[i][j]
    return script

def parseitems(file):
    objects = []
    for line in file:
        s = line[0:line.find('//')].strip().replace('\t','')
        if s:
            #Replace commas inbetween {} with |, so we can use split
            mode = 0
            sout = ""
            for a in s:
                if mode == 0: #Out of {}
                    if a == '{': mode = 1
                    sout += a
                elif mode == 1: #Inside {}
                    if a == ',': sout += '|'
                        sout += a
                        if a == '}': mode = 0

            values = sout.split(',')
            if line[0] == '#':
                if debug:
                    log.append("FOUND COMMENT LINE: %s" % str(values))
            if (len(values) != 20):
                log.append("item_db: Warning, item-line with ID %s has %d values instead of 19" % (values[0], len(values)))
                if debug:
                    log.append("  line was %s" % str(values))
                while (len(values) < 20):
                while (len(values) > 20):
            o = whatever()
          = int(values[0])
        = values[1]
            o.jname     = values[2]
            o.type      = saveint(values[3])
            o.price     = saveint(values[4])
            o.sell      = saveint(values[5])
            o.weight    = saveint(values[6])
            o.atk       = saveint(values[7])
            o.defense   = saveint(values[8])
            o.range     = saveint(values[9])
            o.mbonus    = saveint(values[10])
            o.slot      = saveint(values[11],-1)
            o.job       = saveint(values[12],-1)
            o.gender    = saveint(values[13],-1)
            o.loc       = saveint(values[14],-1)
            o.wlv       = saveint(values[15])
            o.elv       = saveint(values[16])
            o.view      = saveint(values[17],-1)
            o.usescript = parsescript(values[18].replace('|',','))
            o.equipscript = parsescript(values[19].replace('|',','))


    return objects

# parsexmlitems(file)
## Creates a dictionary containing the values of a client items.xml
## Yeah, there are XML parsers in the standard python libraries, but they're too object
## oriented and thus don't fit the style of this program.
def parsexmlitems(file):
    items = {}
    pre = "<item "
    term = "/>"
    attrs = ["id", "image", "art", "name", "description", "type", "weight", "slot"]
    intattrs = ["id", "art", "type", "weight", "slot"]
    s =
    index = 0
    debug = 0
    while s[index:].find(pre) >= 0:
        index += s[index:].find(pre) + len(pre)
        curitem = {}
        termstart = index + s[index:].find(term) + len(term)

        for attr in attrs:
            found = s[index:].find(attr+'="')
            if found >= 0:
                start = index + found + len(attr+'="')
                end= start + s[start:].find('"')
                start = termstart

            if (start < termstart):
                curitem[attr] = s[start:end]

        for a in intattrs:
                if curitem.has_key(a): curitem[a] = int(curitem[a])
                log.append("Item-ID %s: Cannot convert integer attribute %s to an integer. Value: '%s'" % (curitem["id"], a, curitem[a]))

        items[curitem['id']] = curitem

    return items

# addclientinformation(items, citems)
## Entends the item data with the data collected from the client items.xml. Adding imageurls,
## client-name and -description

def addclientinformation(items,citems):
    global imageurls
    global imagesused
    for i in items:
        if citems.has_key(
            url=i.imagename[0].upper() + i.imagename[1:]
            i.imgurl = "[[Image:"+ url + "]]"
            imagesused[ citems[]["image"]] = 1
            i.description = citems[]["description"]
            i.clientname = citems[]["name"]
            i.imgurl = ''
            i.description = ''
            i.clientname = ''

# gettypedir (items)
## Returns sorted lists of items by itemtype
def gettypedir(items):
    items.sort(lambda x,y: (x.price+x.sell) - (y.price+y.sell))

    typedir = whatever()
    typedir.healthy = []
    typedir.status = []
    typedir.inspiring = []
    typedir.weapons = []
    typedir.combos = []
    typedir.armor = []
    typedir.other = []
    for item in items:
        if (item.imgurl.strip() or item.clientname.strip()):
            #if == 537: log.append('"%s", "%s"' % (item.imgurl,
            if (item.atk > 0):
                if item.defense == 0: typedir.weapons.append(item)
                else: typedir.combos.append(item)
            elif (item.defense > 0): typedir.armor.append(item)
            elif item.usescript.has_key("itemheal"): 
                if item.usescript["itemheal"][0] > item.usescript["itemheal"][1]: 
            elif item.usescript.has_key("sc_start"):
            else: typedir.other.append(item)

    typedir.weapons.sort(lambda x,y: x.atk - y.atk)
    typedir.armor.sort(lambda x,y: x.defense - y.defense)
    typedir.combos.sort(lambda x,y: (x.defense+x.atk) - (y.defense+y.atk))

    typedir.healthy.sort(lambda x,y: int(x.usescript["itemheal"][0]) - int(y.usescript["itemheal"][0]))
    typedir.inspiring.sort(lambda x,y: int(x.usescript["itemheal"][1]) - int(y.usescript["itemheal"][1]))
    #typedir.other.sort(lambda x,y: (x.price+x.sell) - (y.price+y.sell))
    typedir.status.sort(lambda x,y: (x.price+x.sell) - (y.price+y.sell))

    return typedir

# printlog()
## Prints the global variable log to stdout
def printlog():
    global log
    if len(log) > 0:
    for line in log:

# print<>items(items, title)
## Creates the table in wikicode, depending on what kind of item is being printed

def getmoneystring(buy, sell):
    return '| align="right" | %d GP<br>%d gp\n' % (buy,sell)
def getidstring(id):
    return '| align="center" | [%d]\n' % id
def printhealitems(items,title):
    sys.stdout.write('==%s==\n' % title)
    sys.stdout.write('{| border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" width="100%" align="center"\n')
    # Print labels
    for title in health_titles:
        sys.stdout.write('! style="background:#efdead;" | %s\n' % title)
    for i in items:
        sys.stdout.write('| align="center" | %s\n' % i.imgurl)
        #sys.stdout.write('| %s\n' % i.jname.replace('_',' '))
        sys.stdout.write('| %s\n' % i.clientname)
        sys.stdout.write( getidstring( )
        sys.stdout.write('| align="center" | %d\n' % i.usescript["itemheal"][0])
        sys.stdout.write('| align="center" | %d\n' % i.usescript["itemheal"][1])
        sys.stdout.write( getmoneystring(i.price,i.sell) )
        sys.stdout.write('| align="center!" | %d\n' % i.weight)
        sys.stdout.write('| %s\n' % i.description)
def printstatusitems(items,title):
    sys.stdout.write('==%s==\n' % title)
    sys.stdout.write('{| border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" width="100%" align="center"\n')
    # Print labels
    for title in status_titles:
        sys.stdout.write('! style="background:#efdead;" | %s\n' % title)
    for i in items:
        sys.stdout.write('| align="center" | %s\n' % i.imgurl)
        #sys.stdout.write('| %s\n' % i.jname.replace('_',' '))
        sys.stdout.write('| %s\n' % i.clientname)
        sys.stdout.write( getidstring( )
        sys.stdout.write('| align="center" | %s\n' % i.usescript["sc_start"][0])
        sys.stdout.write('| align="center" | %s\n' % i.usescript["sc_start"][1])
        sys.stdout.write('| align="center" | %s\n' % i.usescript["sc_start"][2])
        sys.stdout.write( getmoneystring(i.price,i.sell) )
        sys.stdout.write('| align="center!" | %d\n' % i.weight)
        sys.stdout.write('| %s\n' % i.description)

def printweaponitems(items, title):
    sys.stdout.write('==%s==\n' % title)
    sys.stdout.write('{| border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" width="100%" align="center"\n')
    # Print labels
    for title in weapon_titles:
        sys.stdout.write('! style="background:#efdead;" | %s\n' % title)

    for i in items:
        sys.stdout.write('| align="center" | %s\n' % i.imgurl)
        #sys.stdout.write('| %s\n' % i.jname.replace('_',' '))
        sys.stdout.write('| %s\n' % i.clientname)
        sys.stdout.write( getidstring( )
        sys.stdout.write('| align="center" | %d (%d)\n' % (i.atk,i.range))
        sys.stdout.write( getmoneystring(i.price,i.sell) )
        sys.stdout.write('| align="center!" | %d\n' % i.weight)
        sys.stdout.write('| %s\n' % i.description)
def printarmoritems(items, title):
    sys.stdout.write('==%s==\n' % title)
    sys.stdout.write('{| border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" width="100%" align="center"\n')
    sys.stdout.write('! style="background:#efdead;" | Image\n')
    sys.stdout.write('! style="background:#efdead;" | Name\n')
    sys.stdout.write('! style="background:#efdead;" | ID\n')
    sys.stdout.write('! style="background:#efdead;" | Defense\n')
    sys.stdout.write('! style="background:#efdead;" | Price<br>BUY/Sell\n')
    sys.stdout.write('! style="background:#efdead;" | Description\n')
    for i in items:
        sys.stdout.write('| align="center" | %s\n' % i.imgurl)
        #sys.stdout.write('| %s\n' % i.jname.replace('_',' '))
        sys.stdout.write('| %s\n' % i.clientname)
        sys.stdout.write( getidstring( )
        sys.stdout.write('| align="center" | %d\n' % i.defense)
        sys.stdout.write( getmoneystring(i.price,i.sell) )
        sys.stdout.write('| %s\n' % i.description)

def printcomboitems(items, title):
    sys.stdout.write('==%s==\n' % title)
    sys.stdout.write('{| border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" width="100%" align="center"\n')
    sys.stdout.write('! style="background:#efdead;" | Image\n')
    sys.stdout.write('! style="background:#efdead;" | Name\n')
    sys.stdout.write('! style="background:#efdead;" | ID\n')
    sys.stdout.write('! style="background:#efdead;" | Damage<br>(Range)\n')
    sys.stdout.write('! style="background:#efdead;" | Defense\n')
    sys.stdout.write('! style="background:#efdead;" | Price<br>BUY/Sell\n')
    sys.stdout.write('! style="background:#efdead;" | Description\n')
    for i in items:
        sys.stdout.write('| align="center" | %s\n' % i.imgurl)
        #sys.stdout.write('| %s\n' % i.jname.replace('_',' '))
        sys.stdout.write('| %s\n' % i.clientname)
        sys.stdout.write( getidstring( )
        sys.stdout.write('| align="center" | %d (%d)\n' % (i.atk,i.range))
        sys.stdout.write('| align="center" | %d\n' % i.defense)
        sys.stdout.write( getmoneystring(i.price,i.sell) )
        sys.stdout.write('| %s\n' % i.description)

def getpropertystring(item):
    s = ""
    s += "Weight: %d, " % item.weight
    s += "Slot: %d, " % item.slot
    s += "Job: %d, " % item.job
    s += "Gender: %d, " % item.gender
    s += "Loc: %d, " % item.loc
    s += "wLV: %d, " % item.wlv
    s += "eLV: %d, " % item.wlv
    s += "View: %d " % item.view
    return s

def printotheritems(items, title):
    sys.stdout.write('==%s==\n' % title)
    sys.stdout.write('{| border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" width="100%" align="center"\n')
    sys.stdout.write('! style="background:#efdead;" | Image\n')
    sys.stdout.write('! style="background:#efdead;" | Name\n')
    sys.stdout.write('! style="background:#efdead;" | ID\n')
    #sys.stdout.write('! style="background:#efdead;" | Type\n')
    #sys.stdout.write('! style="background:#efdead;" | Properties\n')
    sys.stdout.write('! style="background:#efdead;" | Price<br>BUY/Sell\n')
    sys.stdout.write('! style="background:#efdead;" | Description\n')
    for i in items:
        sys.stdout.write('| align="center" | %s\n' % i.imgurl)
        #sys.stdout.write('| %s\n' % i.jname.replace('_',' '))
        sys.stdout.write('| %s\n' % i.clientname)
        sys.stdout.write( getidstring( )
        #sys.stdout.write('| align="center" | %d\n' % i.type)
        #sys.stdout.write('| align="center" | %s\n' % getpropertystring(i))
        sys.stdout.write( getmoneystring(i.price,i.sell) )
        sys.stdout.write('| %s\n' % i.description)

def printunuseditems(title):
    global imageurls
    global imagesused
    ids = []
    for i in range(1,len(imageurls)):
        if not imagesused.has_key(i):
    if len(ids):
        sys.stdout.write('==%s==\n' % title)
        sys.stdout.write('{| border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" width="100%" align="center"\n')
        sys.stdout.write('| ')
        for i in ids:
            sys.stdout.write(imageurls[i] + ' ')



    if (len(sys.argv) == 1):
        item_db = "item_db.txt"
        item_xml = "items.xml"
    elif (len(sys.argv) == 3):
        item_db = sys.argv[1]
        item_xml = sys.argv[2]
        item_db = ''
        item_xml = ''
        sys.stdout.write("Wrong number of arguments\n")

    if item_db and (not os.path.isfile(item_db)):
        sys.stdout.write("File does not exist: %s\n" % item_db)
        item_db = ''
    if item_xml and (not os.path.isfile(item_xml)):
        sys.stdout.write("File does not exist: %s\n" % item_xml)
        item_db = ''
    if not (item_db and item_xml):
        sys.stdout.write("dbtowiki without any arguments will use item_db.txt and items.xml in the current directory.\n")
        sys.stdout.write("to specify custom files, call: dbtowiki <item_db> <item_xml>\n")
        log.append("Item-list [item_db] = %s" % item_db)
        log.append("Item-list [item_xml] = %s" % item_xml)
        f = open(item_db)
        items = parseitems(f);
        f = open(item_xml)
        citems = parsexmlitems(f);

        addclientinformation(items, citems)

        typedir = gettypedir(items)
        if len(typedir.healthy) > 0: printhealitems(typedir.healthy, "Health")
        if len(typedir.status) > 0: printstatusitems(typedir.status, "Status")
        if len(typedir.inspiring) > 0: printhealitems(typedir.inspiring, "Mana")
        if len(typedir.weapons) > 0: printweaponitems(typedir.weapons, "Weapons")
        if len(typedir.armor) > 0: printarmoritems(typedir.armor, "Armor")
        if len(typedir.combos) > 0: printcomboitems(typedir.combos, "Combos")
        if len(typedir.other) > 0: printotheritems(typedir.other, "Other")

        if checkimagesonwiki:
            sys.stdout.write("Checking for images on wiki: \n")
            images = []
            for item in typedir.healthy:
                images.append( (item.imagename, item.description))
            for item in typedir.inspiring:
                images.append( (item.imagename, item.description))
            for item in typedir.weapons:
                images.append( (item.imagename, item.description))
            for item in typedir.armor:
                images.append( (item.imagename, item.description)) 
            for item in typedir.combos:
                images.append( (item.imagename, item.description))
            for item in typedir.other:
                images.append( (item.imagename, item.description))


            for imagename, description in images:
                fixedimagename = imagename[0].upper() + imagename[1:]
                curlstring='curl "' \
                    'Image:%s"' % fixedimagename
                if debug:
                    sys.stdout.write("CHECKING URL: %s\n" % curlstring)
                # this could hang if there is a lot of output!
                returncode = p.wait() # wait for the process to finish
                if debug:
                    sys.stdout.write("Process finished with %d\n" % returncode)
                page =
                if debug >= 3:
                    sys.stdout.write("Read: %s\n" % page)

                if page.find("No file by this name exists") != -1:
                    need_to_upload.append((imagename, description))
                    if debug:
                        sys.stdout.write("NEED TO UPLOAD: %s\n" % 

            if len(need_to_upload):
                curlstring = 'curl -d "wpName=%s&wpPassword=%s&wpLoginattempt=Log+in" -c cookie-jar ""'% (wikiuser, wikipassword)

                sys.stdout.write("Logging in as %s, your password can be seen "
                                 "in `ps ax`, also this is using http://... "
                                 "so be warned!\n" % wikiuser)
                # this could hang if there is a lot of output!
                returncode = p.wait() # wait for the process to finish
                data =
                if debug >= 1:
                    sys.stdout.write("Read: %s\n" % data)

                if data.find("Login error") != -1:
                    sys.stdout.write("Login failed\n")

                if debug:
                    sys.stdout.write("Process finished with %d\n" % returncode)

                sys.stdout.write("Now it is time to upload: %s" % 

                for imagename, description in need_to_upload:
                    if debug:
                        sys.stdout.write("Uploading image: %s\n" % imagename)

                    curlstring='curl -b cookie-jar -F "wpUploadFile=@%s/%s" -F "filename=%s" -F "wpDestFile=%s" -F "wpUploadDescription=%s" -F "wpUpload=Upload file" ""' % (image_path, imagename, imagename, imagename, description)
                    # this could hang if there is a lot of output!
                    returncode = p.wait() # wait for the process to finish
                    data =
                    if debug >= 1:
                        sys.stdout.write("Read: %s\n" % data)

                    if debug:
                        sys.stdout.write("Process finished with %d\n" % 

                    sys.stdout.write("Uploaded: %s, %s\n" % (imagename,

        printunuseditems("Still unknown")

