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Revision as of 01:38, 13 November 2008 by Siorinex (talk | contribs)
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Agostine the Taylor Winter Gloves - from 1 to 100 Fur + 15000 and ONLY +3% DEF Fur Boots - analoge...

And: Miner gloves - +2% Def and 3000 (and MANY in loot!) Boots - +2% Def and 8000 (and MANY in loot too!)

Knight’s Helmet (+15% Defense) 5 Iron Ores 10,000 GP Crusader Helmet (+18% Defense) 10 Iron Ores 10,000 GP Warlord Helmet (+18% Defense) 15 Iron Ores 10,000 GP

Logics? Wheare you??? It`s too many money for Winter Gloves and Fur Boots in THIS parametric! Maybi change price or parametrs???

Bow Master’s Forest Bow Idea: addition quest for create arrow and iron arrow! Give him log`s and his create arrow. Or give Nicholas the Blacksmith ore, his create tip`s for arrow and Bow Master create from tip`s and log`s Iron Arrow!