From The Mana World
Discussion on Suggested TMW Wiki Changes
Talk:Training Locations
- I have completed a minor edit to "The Mana World" wiki. I assume making modifications is acceptable and will implement them. Wombat 20:24, 14 October 2008 (CEST)
Talk:Least Rare Items (dropped by monsters)
- I changed the prices to a more reasonable estimate for this section. A question: How would I discover the new drop rates for most of these items? I assume a developer may add that information, but for now, I suggest removing it. I'll re-update my entry to reflect this. Wombat 20:40, 14 October 2008 (CEST)
Talk:Rules and Etiquette
- Updated the rules using a working definition of botting (afk playing/killing). The short rule should include macros, coin jamming, programming and other forms of character "botting". Definition may later include clearer punishment for abuse and botting. Banning has been discussed in the forums, but there is currently nothing that clearly defines banning as punishment for abuse or botting. Other rules seems more like points of etiquette and might be better defined in a separate category from punishable rules. I will update new information in a few days to give time for any discussion before replacing the current rules. This entry is a major "must read" for all players of TMW. Wombat 14:52, 23 October 2008 (CEST)