From The Mana World
- 01:31, 1 July 2014 diff hist 0 Pt:Main Page
- 01:30, 1 July 2014 diff hist +49 Pt:Main Page
- 01:27, 1 July 2014 diff hist +2,065 N Pt:Main Page Created page with "{{I18n}} __NOTOC__ __NOEDITSECTION__ {| cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" width="100%" | colspan="2" style="border: 1px solid lightgrey;" | {| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" | ..."
- 17:04, 30 June 2014 diff hist −1 Pt:Nicholas the Blacksmith
- 16:58, 30 June 2014 diff hist +413 Pt:Nicholas the Blacksmith
- 16:44, 30 June 2014 diff hist +42 Pt:Nicholas the Blacksmith
- 16:40, 30 June 2014 diff hist +1 Pt:Hurnscald
- 16:40, 30 June 2014 diff hist −1 Pt:Hurnscald
- 16:38, 30 June 2014 diff hist +104 Talk:Main Page →Translations
- 16:38, 30 June 2014 diff hist +102 Talk:Main Page →Translations: new section
- 14:30, 30 June 2014 diff hist +477 Pt:Setzer Quest
- 14:14, 30 June 2014 diff hist +217 Pt:Setzer Quest
- 13:47, 30 June 2014 diff hist +29 N Pt:Setzer Alveselvis16 moved page Pt:Setzer to Pt:Setzer Quest current
- 13:47, 30 June 2014 diff hist 0 m Pt:Setzer Quest Alveselvis16 moved page Pt:Setzer to Pt:Setzer Quest
- 13:46, 30 June 2014 diff hist +11,863 N Pt:Setzer Quest Created page with "{{I18n}} {{.Pt:Category_playerinfo}} {{.Pt:Quest |Image = Image:TheBlacksmith.png |Start = 009-2 Hurnscald |Level = 60 |Prerequisi..."
- 13:08, 30 June 2014 diff hist +1 Template:.Pt:Category playerinfo
- 12:47, 30 June 2014 diff hist +670 N Pt:Peter Created page with "{{I18n}} frame '''Peter''' é aprendiz de Nicholas, o Ferreiro. Ambos trabalham na mesma forja, localizada na part..."
- 12:34, 30 June 2014 diff hist −6 Pt:Iron Ore
- 12:34, 30 June 2014 diff hist 0 Pt:Iron Ore
- 12:30, 30 June 2014 diff hist +2,001 N Pt:Iron Ore Created page with "{{I18n}} {{.Pt:Item |Name = '''Iron Ore''' |Description = Um pedaço de minério de ferro. |Image = Image:Generic-ironore.png |Buy = 250 |Sel..."
- 12:20, 30 June 2014 diff hist −69 Pt:Iron Ingot
- 12:20, 30 June 2014 diff hist +96 Pt:Iron Ingot
- 12:14, 30 June 2014 diff hist −16 Pt:Coal
- 12:13, 30 June 2014 diff hist +2 Template:.Pt:Quest current
- 12:12, 30 June 2014 diff hist +27 N Pt:Iron Ingots Alveselvis16 moved page Pt:Iron Ingots to Pt:Iron Ingot current
- 12:12, 30 June 2014 diff hist 0 m Pt:Iron Ingot Alveselvis16 moved page Pt:Iron Ingots to Pt:Iron Ingot
- 12:10, 30 June 2014 diff hist −8 Template:.Pt:Item
- 12:09, 30 June 2014 diff hist −7 Template:.Pt:Quest
- 12:09, 30 June 2014 diff hist +465 Template:.Pt:Quest
- 12:01, 30 June 2014 diff hist +15 Pt:Bat
- 11:59, 30 June 2014 diff hist +1,313 N Pt:Cave Snake Created page with "{{I18n}} {{.Pt:Category_playerinfo}} {{.Pt:Monster |Name = '''Cave Snake''' |Image = Image:CaveSnake.png |Behavior = Movendo-se |Mutations ..."
- 11:49, 30 June 2014 diff hist −2 Pt:Bat
- 11:48, 30 June 2014 diff hist 0 Pt:Hurnscald
- 11:48, 30 June 2014 diff hist 0 Pt:Hurnscald
- 11:47, 30 June 2014 diff hist −4 Pt:White Fur →Usabilidade
- 11:46, 30 June 2014 diff hist −9 Pt:Diamond
- 11:44, 30 June 2014 diff hist 0 Pt:Rauk The Alchemist current
- 11:43, 30 June 2014 diff hist −1 Pt:Bat →Quests
- 11:41, 30 June 2014 diff hist +2,776 N Pt:Bat Created page with "{{I18n}} {{.Pt:Category_playerinfo}} {{.Pt:Monster |Name = Bat |Image = Image:Bat.png |Behavior = |Mutations = Pode muta..."
- 01:22, 30 June 2014 diff hist −2 Pt:Moggun current
- 01:21, 30 June 2014 diff hist 0 Pt:Moggun
- 01:21, 30 June 2014 diff hist +115 Pt:Hurnscald
- 01:20, 30 June 2014 diff hist 0 Pt:Soul Menhir
- 01:20, 30 June 2014 diff hist −1 Pt:Soul Menhir
- 01:16, 30 June 2014 diff hist +2,530 N Pt:Soul Menhir Created page with "{{I18n}} {{.Pt:Category_playerinfo}} ==Jogo== As Soul Menhirs são pedras monolíticas que podem ser usadas como pontos de teletransporte. Você pode adqui..."
- 00:46, 30 June 2014 diff hist 0 Pt:Hurnscald
- 00:43, 30 June 2014 diff hist +9 Hurnscald
- 00:39, 30 June 2014 diff hist +2,050 N Pt:Hurnscald Created page with "{{.Pt:Location | Name = Hurnscald | Filename = 009-1.tmx | Continent = Argaes | }} ==Informações== Hurnscald é uma cidade calma localizada perto de uma floresta. Essa ci..."
- 00:22, 30 June 2014 diff hist +220 N Template:.Pt:Location Created page with "{|class="toccolours float-right infobox" !{{{Name|}}} |- | Arquivo do mapa: | [{{{Filename|}}} {{{Filename|}}}] |- | Co..." current
- 00:18, 30 June 2014 diff hist 0 Pt:White Fur