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Revision as of 23:42, 21 May 2008 by Crush (talk | contribs) (added opinions about spells)
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My opinion about the spells

by Crush


Detect Players
Might be useful and I see no abuse potential.
Considering that monsters have no magical attacks and I shot down any effects which harm players outside PvP I don't see the use of this spell besides PvP but there it might be useful.
TMW definitely needs more teamplay, so this spell gets my OK.
Should have an expensive material ingredient and it shouldn't be possible to cast it on oneself but when these conditions are statisfied I say OK for the sake of teamplay.
I don't see any benefit in this but also not much abuse potential.
Should have an unbuyable material component to avoid overuse, but otherwise OK in my opinion.
Emote Curse
Sounds funny and I don't really consider it harmful to the "victim".

Needs to be changed

Needs some expensive ingredient and we have to be careful not to make it over- or underpowered in any level ranges. Thus the effect should depend on the target. The slowdown effect should be removed because it might be used to harass people.
The positive effect seems OK to me because we already got an item with that effect. But the negative effect should be removed because it can be used to harass people.

Definitely NO

Makes it easy to break server rules without any chance of prove in form of a screenshot. Even when there are spells to counter this effect you can not assume that everyone knows these and is able to use them at that moment.
Unnecessary without shroud.
I fail to see the use of this spell when there is no way for the user to control the destination.
Death's Door
Impossible to balance and negative effect on other players is a big no-no.


The technical realization seems very difficult to me. I haven't seen it in action yet, so I would make my judgement on this spell after I experienced it in action.
Delayed Teleport
I don't really see the benefit of this spell, but I am afraid it might break elaborated scripted sequences which rely on the player staying in a specific area (think: teleporter puzzle). We currently don't have any such sequences and it is unsure if we will ever have some. But it might restrict further quest development.
Magic Mouth
Might be interesting for announcemets. But has to be designed carefully to avoid it becomming a nuisance. How it is implemented? As an NPC? Or does it dispatch chat messages automatically?'
Please add the exact formulas so that it is possible to judge if it is balanced or not.
Dragon Slave
Please add the exact formulas so that it is possible to judge if it is balanced or not.
Create Item
Without a material component this spell would be a real gamebreaker. With a material component it would be rather a "transmute item" spell. If it is fair or not depends on the components. How about converting raw logs into stacks of arrows?