From The Mana World

Pixelworker (Artist Aspirant)

I came to TMW at the beginning of 2006, I played the game up to level 74, After that I wanted to contribute somehow to the game, then I found the forum, Wiki, IRc and from august 2006 I started trying to create pixelart for this game (that was my first time I tried to pixeling ) so here, on this page, I'll post my work done since 08/2006, I'll try to do it in a "time line" so you can see the progress since then, my job had receive all kind of contributions (I'll let you know the authors) to all of you, thank you.

== The Temple == see progress in Forum [1]

From the beginning I was sure of what I wanted to do, a Temple, so as any big project in the world all start with something small, in my case a column

The Column

After the stand alone, I created the wall columns

The Arch

The Entrance

Thanks to Crush I used a Desert Muckup for walls and floors Deserttemplemockup.png


I've not been very successful creating floors...

Walls, Lamp and Torch and others

Thank you Pauan for your help with the perspective and the math lesson...

Thank you Saphy for your Wall Top contribution

Thank you Len for your shadow contribution

The Tower

This is was a controversial issue, the tower was too big, personally I loved the idea of a big tower, so at the end I decided not continue but for historical matters, I'll post what I did, may be in the future...

La Fuente (The Fountain)

Monsters Kephera (the bug) and Bitan (boss) were created to live inside the temple, none of them are ready for the game yet (any volunteer?)

Concepts and Drafts


The team had help me a lot with all sort of contributions, advises, graphics, examples, guidance and support, below you will find the pixelart created by artists involved in the project and intended for the temple

Crush, Len, Pauan, Korcha, Yoshuhara, Iru, Jetryl, Saphy are the artist that provided the temple some pixelart Rotonen, Modanung, Bjorn, Platyna, ElvenProgrammer are just some of the team members giving advises, guidance about colors, shadows, texture, sizes, general looking

<gallery> Image:Mrbugba4.png Image:Mrbugqt1.png Image:Snakeph8.png Image:Snakerc5.gif Image:Roof004c.png Image:Wall2len.png