From The Mana World
Revision as of 19:48, 12 March 2006 by Crush (talk | contribs) (Status_red)

This article is currently only a proposal

The features or design guidelines described in this article are only a proposal made by one or some persons. It has not been evaluated or accepted by the core development team yet. Feel free to add your personal opinion about them or make counter proposals.

(Optional System)

Tired of MMORPGs where everyone is the same, and the only goals are to get money, power, and to explore? The story generation system is designed to create a unique player character story which will give each player an individualized game experience.


  • I. Main Idea
    • A. Give players a personalized game experience by generating a unique story for each player.
    • B. The story should be tailored to suit his level and specialties.
    • C. Completing the story should help the character to become stronger, by playing toward his specialties in a way that generic quests do not.
  • II. Design
    • A. The system must be optional, and players must register for it during gameplay.
    • B. The story works as a series of quests with a recurring theme and NPCs.
    • C. The story involves the players in pushing their own limits and in questing with other PCs with similar goals.
  • III. Quests
    • A. A storyline quest has the same elements as a generic quest, though it is only unlocked when correct, prior storyline quests are completed.
    • B. Storyline quests overlap, even if their motives are the different (so PCs will have a reason to accompany one another into dungeons and to fight bosses.)
    • C. The places a player is sent to on the storyline quest are tailored to his level and specialties.
    • D. The same NPCs recur in the story, and the player gets to know them better than by only completing generic quests.
  • IV. Implementing

(To be continued)