From The Mana World
Revision as of 22:35, 7 December 2022 by Jesusalva (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "Legacy" to "Classic")

This article contains information for players or people interested in playing on the Classic server. If you are looking for information for The Mana World, go here The Mana World.
See also the Classic Portal

This article is for reference purpose

The features described in this article are already implemented in the game. The article should describe how a certain aspect of the game currently works. You may of course edit this article to improve the description of the circumstances. Your opinions or improvement suggestions about the described aspects themself are of course appreciated, too. But please put these on the discussion page of this article to keep facts and fiction separated.

The items are sorted first by attack, then by price, then by ID.

2-Handed Weapons

Image Name (ID) Attack Range BUY/Sell Weight Description Rarity
Equipment-weapon-kidbook.png Kid Book (906)
Defense +1
1 3 10000 GP
5000 gp
100 A big spell book used to transform humans into Trolls. Rare drop
Equipment-weapon-slingshot.png Sling Shot (903) 5 3 500 GP
50 gp
10 In the right hands, everything is a weapon. Buyable, Quest
Equipment-weapon-bastardsword.png Bastard Sword (588) 15 1 1000 GP
500 gp
200 A large two handed sword. Unreleased
Equipment-weapon-spear.png Spear (594) 15 1 1000 GP
500 gp
200 A light spear with a wooden pole. Unreleased
Equipment-weapon-bow.png Bow (1200) 20 5 1000 GP
500 gp
20 A distance weapon. Buyable, Rare drop, Quest
Equipment-weapon-shortbow.png Short Bow (530) 50 5 2000 GP
2000 gp
600 A bow for short distances. Buyable, Quest
Equipment-weapon-woodenstaff.png Wooden Staff (758)
M. Attack +10
Lvl 2 Wand / Requires Int 60+
50 2 4000 GP
2000 gp
1000 A basic wooden staff. Quest
Equipment-weapon-forestbow.png Forest Bow (545) 70 5 20000 GP
5000 gp
1200 A bow usually used for hunting. Buyable, Quest
Equipment-weapon-scythe.png Scythe (623) 75 2 100 GP
50 gp
1200 Usually used for farming but also usable as a weapon. Slow but deadly. Quest
Equipment-weapon-bansheebow.png Banshee Bow (878)
Attack Speed +20% / Walk Speed +10%
Max HP -150 / Defense -40% / VIT Defense -35% / Vanishes HP by 2% of damages dealt / Requires Level 90 / Dexterity 80+ required to activate the bonuses
90 6 101000 GP
40000 gp
900 A bow that has been enchanted by the dark powers of a witch. Quest
Weapon-bow-desertbow.png Desert Bow (878) 100 1 N/A GP
N/A gp
900 A Tonorian Short-Bow. Unreleased item.
Equipment-weapon-halberd.png Halberd (548) 100 1 20 GP
10 gp
1400 A weapon usually carried by guards. Unreleased

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