From The Mana World
Revision as of 00:25, 7 January 2007 by Bjørn (talk | contribs) (You don't base off of something, you base on something.)
Mana Worldmap by Pauan

Hello there! My name is Pauan, or Paaru, depending on who I am talking to. I have been a freelance painter for the past... oh, few months or so... despite this, I've been an artist all my life. I love computers, music, reading, among other things... but art has a certain appeal to me that nothing else has. Hence... I combined my love of computers and art and thus started painting. As I progressed further, I got slowly better and better... gaining more experience along the way.

Then... I found this project. I was actually searching for a free RO server, but they all supported Windows only... Giving up, I decided to search around for a different game and stumbled upon The Mana World. After researching further, I started to get giddy. People who know me know that I VERY rarely get giddy... Anyways, I signed up for the project with resounding failure. But! I didn't give up... I decided to try hard and hope that my efforts pay off.

I was given a semi-official assignment: create a better map. It can be found here:
Mana Worldmap by Pauan.

I don't have much else to say... so I'll wrap this short introduction up.

Other People's Comments:

If you want to post something about me here, go ahead! Just try to keep it semi-decent. As an example submission:

Pauan: I think Pauan is a lazy bum.
