From The Mana World
Foxhound’s Famine
1 Stage
<code>Quest Giver: Enliven Reva Foxhound Location: Halinarzo (89,57)</code>
A poor man in Halinarzo asks for food. His family is starving. I should provide him all sort of delicacies.
Costs (Must be provided in order): * 5 Loaves of Bread; He gives you 125gp * 3 Hunks of Cheese; He gives you 75gp * 1 Pink Blobime; He gives you 10gp * 12 Plushrooms; He gives you 180gp * 6 Cave Snake Eggs; He gives you 162gp * 5 Snake Eggs, 5 Loaves of Bread, 5 Hunks of Cheese, 5 Aquadas, 5 Manana fruits
Ah, such a pig. :(
Required Level: 30
2 Stage
This completes quest
<code>Quest Giver: Enliven Reva Foxhound Reward: <text1="[Bucket]">{text1} Location: Halinarzo (89,57)</code>
I feed him, and he is forever grateful.
Required Level: 35
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