From The Mana World
Revision as of 11:32, 6 February 2021 by Speiros (talk | contribs) (→‎How it worked for me: new section)

Issues with using this template

Solved issues with using this template

Hi. This template is very useful, but in list lines the text wraps:

This is a normal line

  • This is a list line
  1. This is a numeric list line
This is another line

How to solve this? or how can I use in this cases? :?

I tried using literal 'span', but would be great using directly this template. :D

And should be useful to add an parameter 'alias' for translated pages using link parameter, for example. I used in Es:Mana Seed like this to emulate effect: [[Es:Mana Seed|{{H:title|'Mana Seed' en el juego|Semilla de Maná}}]] and looks Semilla de Maná

-- nelson6e65 (talk) 19:47, 27 November 2013 (UTC)

Hmm... this is stupid and sorry, I can't help.

I noticed another problem with it: it seems that you can't rename a link of a section of a wiki page (like Skills#Magic Skills -> Magic Skills) like this:

{{H:title|link=yes|An overview of all skills, including magic skills that will improve your spells of the particular magic school.|Skills#Magic Skills|Magic Skills}} -> Skills#Magic Skills, but luckily above you showed a way how it works:

[[Skills#Magic Skills|{{H:title|link=no|An overview of all skills, including magic skills that will improve your spells of the particular magic school.|Magic Skills}}]] -> Magic Skills

(Just in case someone else has the same problems)

Cassy (talk) 07:20, 28 November 2013 (UTC)

How it worked for me

Thanks for the explanations given. I wanted to have the legacy links used, but not shown as legacy, as nobody is chasing a Legacy:Squirrel for example, but a Squirrel, regardless of the game. Based on this, I wanted to hide all the "Legacy" words from the descriptions as in-game, while having the actual pages remain legacy. That way new users won't be confused and unable to understand everything as it would be if it was like this:

Legacy:this Legacy:is Legacy:a Legacy:demonstration Legacy:of Legacy:how Legacy:awkward Legacy:it Legacy:is Legacy:to Legacy:use Legacy:the Legacy:wiki Legacy:when Legacy:all Legacy:the Legacy:words Legacy:have Legacy:"Legacy" Legacy:before Legacy:them.

To do this, when it came to this template, I found an initial problem. I'll highlight it below, and show what I did, with help from my fellow gamers. :)

The original line showed this (you'll have to look at it in edit mode to see the code):

Legacy:Magic ...or at least something similar (I had to edit this one to Legacy:Magic from Legacy_Magic)

I wanted to keep the hoverover, and keep the link to go to the Legacy:Magic page, but hide the word "Legacy".

After fiddling around a few times, HoraK suggested I use the boxed-in Magic. This was a good idea, but I hadn't changed the "link=yes" section to "link=no". So it wasn't working, and in fact, it wasn't even displaying the newly added information. Once the link was changed to a "no", then...VOILA!!! worked beautifully.

Here is how the section looked after finishing it:


Thank you fellow team mates for sharing your knowledge. It helps things greatly when we can all put our heads together in constructive ways.

- Speiros (talk) 11:32, 6 February 2021 (UTC)