From The Mana World
<foo> - Required Argument
[bar] - Optional Argument
in case theres a questionmark(?), im not sure and need to check the references first
LVL | @Command #Command |
Description | rEvolt | Legacy |
0 | @email <old-mail> <new-mail> | Sets the email for the account currently logged in. | y | y |
0 | @commands | Shows the available commands you can use | y | n |
0 | @help [level] | Shows the available commands based on the given [level] | n | y |
0 | @servertime | Shows the Time based on the Server | y | y |
40 | @broadcast <message> | Broadcasts the given message to the server. | y | y |
40 | @chareffect <type> <target> | Causes an animation ID <type> to be displayed on <Target> character; Most common use is type 69 which causes a giant foot falling from the sky. |
? | y |
40 | @charstats <charname> | Send information to the invoker about the specified characters' stats. | ? | y |
40 | @die | Instantly kills the invoker, regardless of current health. | y | y |
40 | @getvar <variable> <index> <charname> | Retrieves the arbitrary variables of a character. | ? | y |
40 | @goto <charname> | Warp yourself to a person. | y | y |
40 | @haircolor <colorID> | Alters the invokers hair color to the specified ID. | y | y |
40 | @hairstyle <styleID> | Alters the invokers hair style to the specified ID. | y | y |
40 | @hide | Hides the invoker from monsters and most reporting functions. (Will not cause the invoker to be hidden from other clients in visual range.) | ? | y |
40 | @kick <charname> | Disconnects a user from the server. | y | y |
40 | @l <message> | No effect. The sole purpose of this command is for it, and all arguments, to be implicitly logged (as with all commands listed here) along with all arguments. This and/or @t should be used to log rationale for any uncommon use of commands. | y | y |
40 | @listnearby | Lists nearby characters. | ? | y |
40 | @load | Returns you to your savepoint. | ? | y |
40 | @localbroadcast <message> | Broadcast to the map you are on. | y | y |
40 | @log <message> | see @l for details. | y | y |
40 | @mapmove <mapname> [x] [y] | see @warp for details. | y | y |
40 | @npc <npc> | Warp yourself to a npc. | y | y |
40 | @return | Warps you to your last save point. | ? | y |
40 | @save [x] [y] | Sets the invokers spawn/save/home point. Defaults to the current location if no coordinates are specified. | ? | y |
40 | @setpartyleader <party-name-or-id> <flag> <player> | Changes the leader of a party. | ? | y |
40 | @sp-info <charname> | Show info about focus skills. | n | y |
40 | @storage | Brings your personal storage wherever you are. | y | y |
40 | @t <message> | Sends a message normally, as if it had not been preceded with @t. This serves so that certain chat may be logged, for instance when issuing official warnings. This and/or @l should be used to log rationale for any uncommon use of commands. | y | y |
40 | @tee <message> | see @t for details. | y | y |
40 | @warp <map name> [x] [y] | Warp yourself to a certain map, at (x,y) coordinates. | y | y |
40 | @where [charname] | Locate someone on a map, returns your coordinates if the person isn't on. | y | y |
40 | @who [subsequence] | Returns list of logged in characters with their position. | y | y |
40 | @whogm [subsequence] | Like @who, but only lists GM characters. | y | y |
40 | @whogroup [subsequence] | Returns list of logged in characters with their party/guild. | y | y |
40 | @whomap [map name] | Returns list of logged in characters with their position in a specified map. | y | y |
40 | @whomapgroup [map name] | Returns list of logged in characters with their party/guild in a specified map. | y | y |
50 | @invisible | Causes the invoker to become invisible to other clients. No other effect is taken (for instance, aggressive mobs nay still attack the invoker). | ? | y |
50 | @visible | Removes any invisible status set by the above command and immediately announces the invokers presence to all clients in range. | ? | y |
50 | @spawn <monster-name-or-id> [amount] [x] [y] | Spawns the specified monster in the specified amount, or one monster if no amount is specified. These monsters act as if spawned normally (but without any attached scripts on their death, such as monster points). | y | y |
50 | @summon | Summons a specified monster with the SLAVE flag set, such that it will fight for the invoker. Exactly one will be summoned, no amount may be specified. | y | y |