This article contains information for players or people interested in playing The Mana World rEvolt. If you're interested for the Classic game, please go to the Classic portal.
This article is for reference purpose
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Mana can accurately be described as life force. It flows throughout the world, pushing and pulling itself into and around the material elements, to which it is extremely attracted. It is believed that all mana is connected and must remain connected. Free mana is the blanket of energy that coats the Universe. It is constantly moving; thinning and condensing in this invisible tempest. Free mana may be seeking material elements to inhabit.
Source of Mana
A point of stability in the Mana storm. Gasaron is woven around this point.
It is from this free energy that it is possible to pull and manifest Mana in the form of Magic. When Mana is manipulated by any outside force, it is called Magic. Many living beings are able to control free Mana. Allowing them, theoretically, to manipulate the very fabric of reality at different levels of skill.
See Elements page.