From The Mana World
Revision as of 19:12, 19 April 2020 by Ksso (talk | contribs)

This article contains information for players or people interested in playing on the Classic server. If you are looking for information for The Mana World, go here The Mana World.
See also the Classic Portal

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Quest Overview
Starting Location 029-2 Legacy:Candor Island
Level 1
Prerequisites None
Redoable No, only once



  • Camina cerca a Sorfina. Sorfina iniciará el dialogo.
  • Sorfina explicara las reglas del juego y lo básico. Después te dará equipamiento básico incluyendo:

Ahora puedes hablarle a Tanisha.

Apunte: Puedes saltarte el dialogo con Sorfina, pero no se recomienda, ya que no podrás ayudarle a Tanisha en sus deberes y recibirás:

Encuentre la secuencia de comandos: aquí



Una vez termines el dialogo con Sorfina, tienes que hablar con Tanisha. Tanisha tiene deberes que hacer pero le repugnan los Gusanos, así que decides ayudarla.

  • Tanisha te dará un cuchillo y algunas armas, y te pedirá que elimines los gusanos.
    Elimina 5 Gusanos. Obtendras EXP (5 * 6 EXP), lo que subirá de nivel a tu personaje.
  • Cuando termines con los Gusanos, habla con Tanisha. Tanisha te informara de aspectos como de los Puntos de Nivel, ya que subiste de nivel.

Apunte: Si te saltaste el dialogo con Sorfina, no podrás realizar esta parte.


Encuentra la secuencia de comandos: aquí



  • Puede que necesites reiniciar tus números. No podrás reiniciar tus números con Jessie hasta que pases del nivel 10.
  • Hay otros NPCs que te pueden ayudar a reiniciar tus números.

Encuentra la secuencia de comandos:aquí


Valon trabaja con El Concilio de Magos, ofreciendo recompensas a quienes le ayuden a exterminar plagas en la Isla Candor. Cada vez que lo ayudes, el te recompensara.

Bonificación: 50 Exp por completar.

Encuentra la secuencia de comandos:aquí

Los Toneles de Zegas

Habla con Zegas, te pedirá que la ayudes a buscar el insecticida que Eomie le dio. El insecticida está en la bodega en uno de los toneles, pero la bodega está llena de Gusanos de Interior, y te atacaran tan pronto entres.
Busca el insecticida en los toneles y conseguiras una recompensa aleatoria o posiblemente un Gusano, guacala!


  • 50 Exp, 50 GP por completa + botín aleatorio

Encuentra la secuencia de comandos: aquí, aquí para los toneles, aquí para los toneles config


Morgan is the mage who lives and teaches magical spells on Candor Island. This is your first contact with the magical world and its quests. She will only talk to those that possess enough magical talent.

  • Talk to her with 5 points in Intelligence, and she will give you your first mage weapon, the Wand.
  • She will ask you to equip it and she will teach how to use your Wand with the spell #confringo.
  • Morgan will not teach you more, you will have to leave her and to learn by yourself more about magic.

Hint : if you have already allocated all your stats points, and you don't have 5 on Intelligence, talk to Jessie, he will reset your stats if your level is lower than 10.


  • Wand
  • 1 spell: #confringo

Find the script: here



  • As you go North of Candor Island , you will see Hasan. If you walk past him, you will open a dialog box with him. He isn't very nice. Don't try to kill him, as you will probably die by doing this, as he gives a hard hit.
  • Talk to Kaan, tell him that Hasan is bullying someone.
  • You now need to know what Hasan's weakness is. Go back to Sorfina and tell her everything that happened with Hasan. She will tell you that he is awfully scared of Scorpions.
  • Tell Kaan about the scorpions, and you will plot against Hasan. Go back to Hasan and talk to him and scratch your head as a signal. * Kill the scorpion that appears.
  • Talk to Hasan and he will give you a Sharp Knife for your help.


Find the scripts: here for Hasan and here for Kaan

Rewards for all these quests


Where to go now ?

On the way to Hurnscald and on Candor you will find many Non Player Characters NPCs who will tell you about the game and whom among them you have to speak to.
Think to register with Aidan and Ishi, as you will need this to collect certain items, and they are needed for some quests too.
Once you have reached level 10 you can go to Hurnscald and talk to Ian to receive your Graduation Cap.
It is important for you to find Ayasha, to do the quests for new players, to help Banu, Kylian, Imec, Anwar, and even more. You can do so by consulting the board quest, and you will find which NPCs next need your help. To satisfy their needs you will have to carefully explore The Mana World.