From The Mana World
Revision as of 16:40, 9 April 2018 by Mythstwm (talk | contribs)


The following list is a collection of items that can be found all through out The Mana World.


Some weapons can be used while holding a shield, but other weapons require two hands in order to use.

Equipment-weapon-icegladius.png1-Handed Weapons Equipment-weapon-slingshot.png2-Handed Weapons Equipment-ammo-arrow.pngAmmo


These items provide varying levels of protection from enemy attacks, and sometimes lessen certain types of attacks. You are allowed to wear one of each type of armor at one time

Equipment-head-fancyhat.pngHeadwear Equipment-legs-redcottontrousers.pngLegwear Equipment-chest-desertshirt.pngTops
Equipment-feet-blackboots.pngFootwear Equipment-shield-steelshield.pngShields Equipment-hands-wintergloves.pngGloves
Equipment-rings-sapphirering.pngRings Equipment-charms-fourleafclover.pngCharms Armbands.pngArmbands

Foods and Drinks

They are food to regenerate your life and your mana and also to buff

Use-food-snapple.pngHealth Items Use-potions-concentrationpotion.pngStatus Items Armor-head-Magicgmtophat.pngRecently Added

[[Event Items]


Generic-snowmansnowglobe.pngChristmas Items Equipment-charms-skeletoncharm.pngHalloween Items Generic-darkeasteregg.pngEaster Items