From The Mana World

Notice: For the registration of new accounts please use the Registration web form. The registration from within the client is disabled.

ManaPlus client

The recommended client is available on the ManaPlus website.

The Manaplus packages

The Mana World packages are available for many platforms. These are based on the ManaPlus client, but have a different default skin and will show up as "Manaplus" in the application menu.


We no longer recommend music be installed directly, as it easily becomes out-of-date. To enable music in the client, make sure that "Download Music" is checked in the Audio tab of the Setup window.

Development versions

The latest version of the ManaPlus client is developed as part of the ManaPlus project and is available from the Git repositories on gitorious. For checking out the latest development version of the client you can use the command:

git clone git://

For more instructions and information about other projects like the server and the dynamic data, please check our Git wiki page.