From The Mana World
Revision as of 17:46, 11 December 2013 by Cassy (talk | contribs) (→‎Rare Equipment: Skull mask has/had the file name of the Face Mask - changing them to avoid confusion and updating pages using those)

This article contains information for players or people interested in playing The Mana World rEvolt. If you're interested for the Classic game, please go to the Classic portal.

This article is for reference purpose

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In the history of TMW there have been numerous events. In the course of which it was possible to obtain items exclusively made for these festivities. Some of those items survived the coming and going of players through the past years. Those items are called rare items. Usually rare items

Sometimes those rare items are also being traded among players.

Rare Equipment

There are a variety of beautiful hats in TMW that can sadly only be obtained with great difficulty. The most notable examples are the Eye Patch and the Scarab Armlet.

Image Name (ID) Event Historical Comment
Armor-head-rednose.png Red Nose (4042) Christmas 2012
Armor-head-panhat.png Pan Hat (4032) Easter 2012
Armor-head-sunglasses.png Sunglasses (855) Christmas 2011
Armor-head-elfnightcap.png Elf Nightcap (854) Christmas 2011
Armor-head-bunchofparsley.png Bunch of Parsley (220) Halloween 2010
Armor-head-operamask.png Opera Mask (1276) Halloween 2010 Hardest to obtain in that event.
Armor-head-jestermask.png Jester Mask (1277) Halloween 2010 Second hardest to obtain in that event
Armor-head-witchhat.png Witch Hat (1278) Halloween 2010
Armor-head-goblinmask.png Goblin Mask (1279) Halloween 2010
Armor-head-guyfawkesmask.png Guy Fawkes Mask (769) Halloween 2010
Armor-head-heartglasses.png Heartglasses (1247) Easter 2010
Armor-head-rabbit ears.png White Rabbit Ears (1255) Easter 2010 Those can be dyed in all common colors.
Armor-head-snowgoggles.png Snow Goggles (1242) Christmas 2009
Armor-head-skullmask.png Skull Mask (1221) Halloween 2009 Is also rarely droped by Reaper and Reaper2 which sometimes appear during spawn parties.
Generic-towel.png Towel (749) Towel Day 2009 This item was generated by Game Masters on May 25th 2009
Armor-head-paperbag.png Paper Bag (1218) Easter 2009
Armor-head-mouboohead.png Mouboo Head (1216) Christmas 2008, Christmas 2010
Armor-hands-scarabarmlet.png Scarab Armlet (585) Halloween 2008 One of the most sought after items in this game. It's even useful!
Weapon-sword-sabre.png Toy Sabre (1215) Halloween 2008 Can also be bought at the Exotic Trader for 10,000,000 GP
Armor-head-bunnyears.png Bunny Ears (1214) Easter 2008, Christmas 2010, Easter 2011
Armor-head-facemask.png Face Mask (634) Christmas 2007, Christmas 2010
Armor-head-mushroomhat.png Mush Hat (629) Christmas 2007, Christmas 2010, Easter 2011
Armor-head-shroomhat.png Shroom Hat (630) Christmas 2007, Christmas 2010, Easter 2011
Armor-head-funkyhat.png Funky Hat (628) Christmas 2007, Christmas 2010, Easter 2011
Armor-head-tophat.png Top Hat (627) Christmas 2007, Christmas 2010, Easter 2011
Armor-head-xmaself.png Christmas Elf Hat (633) Christmas 2007, Christmas 2010 It's not seen very often.
Armor-head-santabeardhat.png Santa Beard Hat (1206) Christmas 2006, Christmas 2009
Armor-head-antlerhat.png Antler Hat (1204) Christmas 2006, Christmas 2009
Armor-head-leathergoggles.png Leather Goggles (619) Christmas 2006, Halloween 2006, Christmas 2009
Armor-head-goggles.png Goggles (618) Christmas 2006, Halloween 2006, Christmas 2009
Armor-head-eyepatch.png Eye Patch (621) Halloween 2006, Christmas 2006
Armor-head-christmastree.png Christmas Tree Hat (1205) Christmas 2006, Christmas 2009
Armor-head-cap.png Cap (654) Exotic Trader buyable at a price of 20,000,000 GP
Armor-head-highpriest-crown.png High Priest Crown (721) Exotic Trader buyable at a price of 30,000,000 GP
Armor-head-monster-skull-helm.png Monster Skull Helmet (722) Exotic Trader buyable at a price of 30,000,000 GP

Rare Items

Those are mostly valuable for hoarders, players who made it their goal to obtain every item this game ever produced. Usually those players also own a good amount of Gold Pieces.

Unobtainable Items

Some items are not yet released but already in the item database. Other items are not made to be worn by players like the GM Cap and the Moubootaur Head. Even those items very seldomly mysteriously make their way into player hands. Or the items were created on special request, like the Golden Warlord Plate, the Crown and Platynas Red Dress.