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Revision as of 21:16, 1 July 2013 by Jaxad0127 (talk | contribs) (Jaxad0127 moved page Packet:0x0063 to Net:0x0063 without leaving a redirect)

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Update Host

Packet ID:0x0063
Packet Length:-1
Sent Location(s):src/login/login.cpp
Parsed Location(s):src/net/tmwa/loginhandler.cpp:103


Offset Length Contents
0 2 packet ID
2 2 packet length
4 -1 update URL


Login Process Flow

Sent as part of the reply to Login Request.

This packet gives the client the location of the update server URL, such as

It is only sent if an update host is specified for the server (there is one in the default configuration) and the client identifies as accepting an update host (which all supported clients do).