From The Mana World

This article is currently under construction.❞
- See: Forum TMW organization structure - TMW Committee
- The Name is not sure TMW Committee or TMW Council?
Structure and Roles
- The purpose of the The Mana World Committee is to make or delegate decisions regarding the running of The Mana World.
- There are different scopes under The Mana World Committee's authority. Some may require involvement of those who are not members of The Mana World Committee, but have the required knowledge or experience. The Mana World Committee members are pulled from the following categories of contributors:
- Game Masters. Game Masters are responsible for enforcing the rules of the game, in game. Secondarily, Game Masters act as a bridge from the players to development team. All Game Masters are members of The Mana World Committee. To become a Game Master, a person must be voted in by the player community and approved by The Mana World Committee.
- Server Admins. Admins are those that have ssh access to the server and are responsible for server restarts, maintenance, and the general health of the server overall. Forum Admin and Wiki Admin are subcategories of this group. Our new server host, who wishes to remain anonymous, also has input regarding these matters but is not considered a member of The Mana World Committee. To become a member of this group, a player or contributor must first show the appropriate knowledge, willingness to devote time, and must be unanimously approved by The Mana World Committee.
- Programmers. Programmers are responsible for making changes to the codebase. Not all members of the Programmer group are admitted to The Mana World Committee. To become a member of this group, a player or contributor must show appropriate knowledge, contribute to the project and learn and gain 'git' access.
- Content Creators. Content Creators are responsible for adding quests, items and monsters either via scripting, mapping, sound or pixel art. Content Creation has Council and #themanaworld-event as private domains; and #themanaworld-dev and other forums as public. Not all members of Content Creators are members of The Mana World Committee. To become a member of this group, a player or contributor must show appropriate skill, contribute to the project and is encouraged to learn and gain 'git' access.
- A newly created role in The Mana World Commitee will be that of Advisor. TMWC Advisors are those contributors or GHP members that have stepped away from the game or development, yet offer insight, advice and/or periodic assistance with game decisions and development, while not directly taking decisions.
The current members of The Mana World Committee are as follows:
- Big Crunch - Game Master
- Tiana - Game Master
- prsm - Game Master
- Narus - Game Master
- mrgrey - Game Master
- Silent Dawn - Game Master
- o11c - Programmer (Lead) and Server Admin
- 4144 - Programmer and Client Developer
- Frost - Server Admin (Main)
- User:Jenalya - Content Creator (Lead) and Server Admin
- V0id - Content Creator
- Chicka-Maria/Yubaba - Content Creator (pending her agreement)
- Crush - (Server Admin, Forum moderator)
The Advisor group is as follows:
- Freeyorp (Former Administrator and developer)
- Bjorn(Former Administrator and developer, wiki bureaucrat & administrator)
- ElvenProgrammer (project founder)
- Rotonen (Former developer)
- AnonDuck (Former developer)
- Wombat (Former Content lead, developer)
- irukard (Former developer)
- Our server host
More Advisors may be added or removed in the future, pending contact.