Aurora Sharadin is the Sage of the Air Temple
- Full name: Aurora Sharadin
- Age: ~150 years
- Height: her height is not a constant value, from 6' 00" (1,80 m) to 8' 00" (2,40 m)
- Weight: she is almost weightless because of her nature, her garment weighs ~1 kg
- Birthdate: time of year (exact date when calendar available)
- Eye color: silver
- Hair color: almost golden, mostly yellow, glitters. Hair length hard to say, she can alter it alot
- Blood type: unknown
- Favourite food: rain clouds
- Hobbies: floating, talking with the people of The Mana World, travelling
Aurora resembles the child in everyone of us. She is happy, smiles alot and likes to cheer people up. Usually when not found in the Temple of Air she is travelling around the known parts of The Mana World and talking with the people she meets. Sometimes she gets lost or goes to unknown territories for the excitement. She has been warned of the dangers which lurk in the shadows but Aurora still wants to believe that there is good in every creature and that nothing or no one will harm her.
Because of her status and her skills, she can do extra ordinary things that some could think impossible. She can alter her height and the length of her hair, sometimes she uses her hair like a big sail and uses it to glide in blue the skies.
She wears a headband of some kind to keep her hair in somewhat order. She has a jewel on her forehead.
- text and concept art by Mkael