From The Mana World
Compétences de Base
- Ces compétences sont essentielles dans ce jeu. Ce sont les premières que vous devez aller apprendre.
Compétences de Magie
Magie de Base
Magie de Vie
Magie de Guerre
Magie de la Nature
Compétence de Magie de la Nature
Magie Astrale
Compétences de Guerrier
// TODO : Translate that:
- Using them requires Focusing Skills which can be obtained by talking to Luca located in Tulimshar. Unfocus also needs to be done with him but for that, you will need to get a Grimace of Dementia, a terrible potion made by Caul the Alchemist.
- Each Skill may be trained up to Level 9 by Skill Points earned by increasing your Job Level, from Job EXP, which are different from normal EXP. For example, increasing from level 1 to Level 2 requires 1 Skill Point, increasing from Level 8 to Level 9 requires 8 Skill Points.
- Skill Points may not be reset the way stat points can be!
- You do not lose your Skill Points spent on a Skill if you choose to focus on another Skill!
- If you want to unfocus, you must bring Luca a Dementia Potion. You will then have the possibility of focusing on another skill.
L'Œil de Mallard
Combat à Mains Nues
Compétence de Combat à Mains Nues
Résistance au Poison
Compétence de Résistance au Poison