From The Mana World
Revision as of 12:11, 6 December 2010 by Alige (talk | contribs)
Quest Overview
Starting Location Hurnscald
Level 20+
Prerequisites None
Redoable No, only once

What To Do:

  1. Go to the bow shop, which is the first shop north of the Soul Menhir and tree.
  2. Talk with the Bow Master, Alan to see if he can make you a Forest Bow.
  3. Go talk with Jack the Lumberjack (he is just across the road from the tree at the front of the house there), after running back and forth a while between them you’ll find out that you have to supply the wood, and pay a fee of 10,000 GP.
  4. The tricky part is finding a Raw Log that is good enough. Before you pay, the Bow Master will test out your log to see if it’s strong enough. Whether or not a log breaks is random.


  • You can find Log Heads in the South-West Woodlands.
  • The chance of a Raw Log not breaking is 1 in 20.
  • Do not sell remaining logs, as they can be useful for you for Wooden Shield Quest.

Raw Logs are droped by:

  • Log Heads (20%)


  • 1 Forest Bow (+70 Damage)

Total Cost:

  • About 20 Raw Logs
  • 10,000 GP