4144 is an alternate client for playing The Mana World. It has some extra features.
You can find it at http://tmw.cetki.com/4144
Special Moves:
You can custom program a special move in the setup->other tab. Commands:
- d[direction] Change facing direction to [direction]
- m[direction] move in direction [direction]
- e[emotion] show emoticon [emotion]
- s sit
- op/on --- wear (p)revious or (n)ext (o)utfit
- p pick up
[direction] can be u d l r (for (u)p (d)own (l)eft (r)ight)
[emotion] is 0-9, a-d
One of the special features of the 4144 client is the ability to manage outfits and wear them with a single keypress. To set up an outfit, click Outfits in the Inventory window, then select an item (in the inventory window) that you want to include in the outfit, and click on a slot in the outfit window. To wear an outfit, press Right Ctrl + outfit key (e.g. Right Ctrl + 1 for outfit number 1).
Features for the explorer types:
- The client can be set to highlight exits that you can actually use.
Features for the grind types:
- The client can calculate e.g. the expected time and number of kills you will take for next level if you continue killing the same average mobs.