From The Mana World
Revision as of 23:11, 22 May 2009 by Jaxad0127 (talk | contribs) (fix some spelling)

This article collects information regarding the conceptualisation of the game world of The Mana World.

Magic phenomenons appear in areas of high concentrations of mana. Their characteristics vary widely. They can be life-threatening to anyone nearby, completely harmless, or even beneficial like the soul menhirs. They can be permanent or one-time events. The local effects of magic phenomenons can be, but are not limited to:

  • Dancing lights and other illusions
  • Temporary or permanent shape-shifting of creatures or inanimate objects
  • Destruction
  • Uncontrolled spawning of monsters
  • Teleportation
  • Extreme destruction
  • Increased mana regeneration for nearby spell-casters
  • Changes of the laws of physics
  • Catastrophic destruction
  • Increased healing rate
  • Aid or disturbance of spell-casting abilities
  • Ascension to a higher form of existence (usually "death")

Magic phenomenons are the favorite study objects of wizards. Sometimes wizards manipulate mana to create magic phenomenons intentionally, often with disastrous results for people living nearby.

Known magic phenomenons

  • The soul menhirs
  • The "magic house" in northwest Argeas
  • The big Tonori earthquake
  • According to some theories the existence of the world itself