Being a GM (game master) is a responsible job. In part, your actions affect what the community will be like. Hence, here are some basic guidelines to help you make decisions.
General guidelines
- Use your own common sense. You are a GM because we have trust in your judgement.
Enforcing the rules
The primary job of a GM is to keep people happy with the game by enforcing The Rules. Standard punishment for each rule varies:
1. Do not abuse other players (insults, swearing, and the like directed to a particular person or persons)
- Punishment: ...
2. No bots (and botting means ANY activity while away from keyboard)
- Punishment: Permanent ban.
3. No spamming / flooding (including trade spam)
- Punishment: ...
4. No begging
- Punishment: ...
5. Speak English on public chat
- Punishment: ...
6. Treat others the same way you would like to be treated
- Punishment: Not applicable, this rule is not enforcable.
Responding to banned players
Once banned, a player often comes to ask to be unbanned. ...
The Abuse Forum
Command reference
Common commands to use as a GM are:
- @ban
- time usage: adjustment (+/- value) and element (y, m, d, h, mn, s)
- @unban <name> - Unban an account
- @charreset <charname> - Reset stats AND skills of a character.
- @charbaselvl <#> <nickname> - Adjust a character's base level
- @spawn <monster_name_or_monster_ID> [<number to spawn>]
- @item <item name or ID> [quantity] - Gives you the desired item.
- @hide - Make yourself invisible to monsters
The information above is based on the conf/help.txt