From The Mana World
Revision as of 22:34, 5 November 2008 by Bjørn (talk | contribs) (This should also be here, I think.)

Being a GM (game master) is a responsible job. In part, your actions affect what the community will be like. Hence, here are some basic guidelines to help you make decisions.

General guidelines

  1. Use your own common sense. You are a GM because we have trust in your judgement.
  1. ...

Enforcing the rules

The primary job of a GM is to keep people happy with the game by enforcing The Rules. Standard punishment for each rule varies:

1. Do not abuse other players (insults, swearing, and the like directed to a particular person or persons)

Punishment: ...

2. No bots (and botting means ANY activity while away from keyboard)

Punishment: Permanent ban.

3. No spamming / flooding (including trade spam)

Punishment: ...

4. No begging

Punishment: ...

5. Speak English on public chat

Punishment: ...

6. Treat others the same way you would like to be treated

Punishment: Not applicable, this rule is not enforcable.

Responding to banned players

Once banned, a player often comes to ask to be unbanned. ...

The Abuse Forum


Command reference

Common commands to use as a GM are:

  • @ban ...
  • @charreset ...