From The Mana World
This is going to be a simple, easy to implement alchemy system using the scripting system of eAthena for the short-term entertainment of the current player base.
- The ingredients used for alchemy are herbs which are dropped by immobile, non-attacking herb "mosters". I would suggest to place these on the maps 31 and 32, which are currently quite insignificant and rarely visited labyrinth-like forest maps.
- Herbs exist in 4 different colors
- 4 different herbs are combined to a potion through an NPC dialog with a cauldron "NPC"
- The result is one of four random healing potions. A random number between 0 and the currently useless INT stat of the character determines the quality.
- 0-4 : tiny potion (~ 1/2 beer)
- 5-14 : small potion (~ 1 beer)
- 15-34 : medium potion (~ 2 beer)
- 35+ : large potion (~ 4 beer)