From The Mana World
Revision as of 14:06, 9 July 2007 by Pajarico (talk | contribs) (Reverted edits by Vz8Nrw (Talk); changed back to last version by Dabe)

Icon water elem.jpg Water

Icon air elem.jpg Air

Icon fire elem.jpg Fire

Icon earth elem.jpg Earth


  • Air + Fire = Lightning
  • Fire + Earth = Metal
  • Earth + Water = Wood
  • Water + Air = Ice

Elemental Effect

Elemental-based skills / items / weapons effect (damage, cure, etc) targets based on elemental alignment. Depending on the target's elemental alignment, the effect can be increased or reduced.

The main elements deals 200% damage to the following element and 50% damage to itself. The sub-elements deal 150% damage to the following element and 75% to itself. This is because each sub-element is made up of two pure elements.