From The Mana World
Revision as of 22:33, 18 September 2006 by Bjørn (talk | contribs) (Decapitalized)

This article is currently only a proposal

The features or design guidelines described in this article are only a proposal made by one or some persons. It has not been evaluated or accepted by the core development team yet. Feel free to add your personal opinion about them or make counter proposals.

This article is to bring a little bit more order into the wiki.

The purpose of the wiki

The wiki is meant to publish:

  • Ideas about various aspects of the game
  • Design documents and roadmaps
  • Design guidelines
  • References for current and potential developers
  • Help documents for players

Commenting articles

Discussion pages are usually meant for discussing articles, but the nature of our project makes this rather unfeasible. Putting comments right on the article page where they are much more prominent is much more productive for the development of a topic. But the habit of some people to write comments directly into the text is not a very good method because it harms the readability of the article a lot.

So comments about articles should not be written into the article itself but collected as another subsection labled ==Comments== at the end of the article.

Every comment has to be signed and dated. You can automatically add your username and the present time and date by typing --~~~~.

Comment on comments should be identated so that the discussion structure is visible. You can identate a paragraph by adding ':' in front of it.

Example for a discussion

I like the color blue
:I don't like blue. I would prefer red.
::Red? No, that is too agressive.
:How about green?
::Green would be an alternative.
:::No, green sucks. Blue is the only alternative.

results in:

I like the color blue

I don't like blue. I would prefer red.
Red? No, that is too agressive.
How about green?
Green would be an alternative.
No, green sucks. Blue is the only alternative.

Internal links

Internal links are important for the easy navigation of the wiki. Whenever you reference another article you should link to it.

When you create an article that is a counter proposal to another article, you should create a link to the article you are opposing and also put a link on the linked article back to your article at an appropiate place.

When you create a proposal that is based on another proposal (like an article about a race that fits into the backstory) you should also link back to the article you are based on and also create a link in the base article itself.

Also feel free to create links to articles, that do not exist yet, but should exist in your opinion, to encourage someone to create them.

Using status templates

Status templates show how serious the article is threated by the development team. Every article should start with one of the following templates:


The {{Status_red}} indicates that the contents of the article are a proposal made by someone and that the development hasn't discussed about using the proposal yet.

It should be added to every new article you write. The only cases in which you may start an article with another template are:

  • You document something that is a consensus in the whole development time for a long time.
  • You document something that has already been implemented without writing a wiki article about it.


The {{Status_yellow}} indicates that the developer that is in charge of the mentioned aspect of the game as decided that the proposal mentioned will be done in the game as described. The template should only be placed by the developer in charge or after getting his/her permission to place it in the article.


The {{Status_green}} indicates that the aspects mentioned in the article are already in the game. Articles that explain how different aspects of the game work, style guidelines (when they are ratified) or tutorials fall into this category, too.


The {{Status_outdated}} article indicates that the article is either a status green article that is no longer correct or a status red or yellow article that has been rendered depreciated by a contradicting developers decision.

Under Construction

The {{Status_construction|*}} template explains that the current article is in development. It has to contain a notice how to take part in the development of the article. Replace the asterix in the example above with a description how to contact the developers.


{{Status_construction|come to the IRC channel #tmwart on}}
{{Status_construction|visit the following forum thread [link]}}
{{Status_construction|Add your opinion to the comment section}}