From The Mana World
Revision as of 13:41, 26 November 2007 by Nonchip (talk | contribs) (Rangers and HolyManaClan)

I want to create a guild, to be accepted, nedd my permission, how much nedd to pay? I pay max 1kk to create the guild, the current members: >>>>>>>>>>BraziL-ElitE<<<<<<<<<< [ Guild Name ] BraziL-KnighT [LeadeR] BraziL-DiablehI [Member] BraziL-FaldeoN [Member] BraziL_BruninhU [Member] BraziL-Ryane [Future Female Player]

Well we don't have a guild system yet. So guilds can just be created by getting people together and naming your little gang. No need for paying anyone. Modanung 12:15, 15 July 2006 (CEST)

Rangers and HolyManaClan

Hey would you like an Alliance with the UnderghroundDragonhunters? @ HMC: I know some of us are spamming to get more members, but they all get in troube if

 i see them spamming ;-)

your nonchip, Dragonmaster and leader of UD