From The Mana World
Revision as of 04:44, 23 November 2006 by Crush (talk | contribs) (can't remember that anyone gave an ok to set this to status_yellow)

This article is currently only a proposal

The features or design guidelines described in this article are only a proposal made by one or some persons. It has not been evaluated or accepted by the core development team yet. Feel free to add your personal opinion about them or make counter proposals.

== About The City: == Mudoha is located in Tempus Keshlam. It is the capital of

the Tempus Kingdom.


Mudoha was a mining kingdom, built underground. Men and women

alike worked in the mines and in the markets. The Mudohans believed that

physical strength was of utmost importance, so they established The Gukumun

and the Verinva tribes. These two tribes trained Mudohans in the art of

war. Sheda Moxun lead the Gukumun, and she stood up for equal rights.

However, when all were asleep, she lead a group of trusty followers into

the mine nightly to excavate precious jewels and sell them to a variety of

places for money. Yumus Cugwin, of the Verinva tribe, began his own excavation during the early

morning, and he swindled people out of their money. Meanwhile the king

began to tax wrongfully, and to keep jewels of his own. However, when these

three sides learned that each were taking jewels, a cival war broke out.

They wanted the jewels from themselves. Soon the city was in a cival war,

shaking the rocks with clashes of sword and armor, bombs and bows. The war

lasted for merely a year, when it ended abruptly on the battlefield of

Stonereviar. It was called Stonreviar because it was a simple stretch of

rock deep within the mines, closely resembling a plain. It was extremely

dark there, and the only light came from flickering lanterns. Little was

seen of what happened, but all know that in the fray of battle, Yumus, and

Sheda, decapitated eachothers heads at the same time. Without leaders, the

two tribes felt no need for this useless squabling, and the armies have

been close allies since. Due to the harsh war, however, many of the

provisions were destroyed, mines caved in, people killed, buildings

decimated. The outside world lost trust for them, for if they fought their

own kind, who knew who they would strike next. So ties to the world became

fragile. The main connection were the jewels; loads of them. Mined and traded,

sold, and bought. The jewels the three sides found in the mines made the kingdom wealthy,

yet politically Mudoha was unstable. The king died of old age, or so they

said, and now they needed a new leader and soon.

Important Buildings/places:

The Mines:

Dark and unnerving, these tunnels weave throughout all of Mudoha

and the Tempus Kingdom, filled with jewels and other hidden mysteries.

Small, flickering lanterns are the only light to guide weary travelers or

brave miners. Some report monster sightings. Beware.


A palace carved from the rocks. It is similar to a spire, rising

high along the city's stone cliff walls. It consists of about twenty-three

floors, and each floor has at least four rooms and a hallway. To get to

high floors in the building, they use something similar to an elevator

system, except theirs is lowered and raised by hand. Many large symbolic

jewels engrave the stone palace.


This Academy is where people are trained for the army. Here people

learn the art of war, and are trained in weaponry. This is a well-kept

facility, flat roofed and wide. The two tribes Insignia's are emblazoned on

the front door, which was made out of gray stone.


the new king was greedy as they come, and yet hid it all behind a

caring stature. His name was Seldur Arcuu. He helped build the city back up

to it's former glory, but behind the scenes schemes and plots arise. This

is truly a greedy kingdom.

(Tell me if this is good, or makes since. This was written by

Falcon_Amanatay! If at all possible, I'd like to be Seldur! Or something.

Or at least help build the npc character's personality and origin.)