From The Mana World
Revision as of 19:27, 10 December 2016 by Saulc (talk | contribs)

50px-Template-info.png Template documentation :

This is the main template that is to be used for Quests documentation.

Translated templates are named .Xy:Quest where Xy is the standard abbreviation of language.

example: Template:.De:Quest

Note: {{I18n}} Template does not direct to translated template.


Copy the following code into your page.

Omitted values will be displayed with their default values or will not appear if they have none. If they are left blank, they will be displayed with a blank field.

|Image         = [[Image:Image.png]]
|Start         = <Map #, location>
|Level         = <lvl> (required)
|Prerequisites = <[[Quest name|Quest display name]]
|Redoable      = (defaults to "No only once")