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The Leylines
The mana isn't a homogenous force field. Althrough the mana can be found everywhere in a density high enough to support life and cast spells, there are places where the mana is concentrated higher than usual. There are concentrated streams of mana energy running across the whole land. Mana energy flows through these streams over the whole continent. Whenever there is a lack of mana energy somewhere, for example when a human casts a spell, then mana energy from all around the world travels along these streams to that place to even out the imbalance of mana energy. These streams are called "leylines".
The Geomancers
Most of what we know about the leylines is thanks to a dynasty of researchers calling themself the Geomancers. The geomancers spent generations to cartograph the leylines and to research their nature. They created stone monuments of varying sizes and shapes along the leylines to mark their position and to make research on them. Some of these monuments allow the geomancers to gauge the density and speed of the mana streams or to extract mana from or inject mana into the streams. Many well known magicans criticised the geomancers for these experiments because they were afraid that they would disturb the balance of mana what could have unforseen consequences. Some people think that the only reason why the desert of Astra is so lifeless and drifts into the void is because centurys ago geomancers accidently cut off the main leyline flowing through the region. Other magicans don't believe these rumors and honor the effort of the geomancers because it gives the mankind insight into the nature of the mana they never had before.
The geomancers usually wear clothes in brown and green colors and plain brown leather caps. Their distinctive mark is the dowsing rod which is used to detect leylines and other metaphysical phenomenons and which they always carry with them although many geomancers do it merely for traditional reasons. The rod is usually attached to the belt when not used.
Practical use of the leylines
Althrough the research of the leylines was merely theoretical for centuries, lately geomancers found various ways to make practical use of the leylines. the most interesting use they found is the posibility for humans to travel along the leylines from one place to another in seconds. in this process the person and everything it carrys with it is converted into pure mana energy using a special stone monument the geomancers call "gateway". then the person is injected into the mana stream and extracted out of it at another gateway. althrough some magicans state that the process may have unforseen risks and could lead to late effects when done too often, the geomancer state that it is perfectly save.
the geomancer offer this service for a small amount of money to everyone.